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Everything posted by YF-96A

  1. New to the forum -- old topic, perhaps I'll get a reply?? Prior references in this thread to vac gauge; where do I get one? I've Googled and cannot find any mechanical gauges. All I can find are electronic that cost, um, a bundle! Don't need one of those. My vac is a regular canning pressure cooker with a 1/2" plex lid with a silicon ring for sealing. Currently have a Robinair 15100 vac pump, but it only pumps 1.2 cfm which doesn't do the job either quickly or well. Without a vac gauge, hard to tell what it draws. Planning to get a Robinair 15600; currently searching for best price, but need to add the vac gauge. Any recommendations appreciated. My pressure pots (x2) are paint pots from Harbor Freight with hardware changed for casting purposes. They are currently on sale for about 40 bucks and well worth it (even at their "regular" price). I someone will inform me how to post/link photos to this forum, I'll add photos of both. (Perhaps a "du-oh" -- is it the "attachments" thingy below? -- If so, what are the "max" photo specs?)
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