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Everything posted by maximilian_jenius

  1. nice group. contratulation!!!!!!!!!! I will collect this now: Super alto Super mikhail Super luca Armored Ozma I want to collect the boxes of supers and armored.
  2. ok, I will post some pics tomorrow. the luca kit came with 3 plastic black bar to attach them to the action base. If you don't have an action base the kit also came with a nice mini SMS base for the ghosts. Yes in fighter mode is the best way to show them (in my opinion) the action base (stand) can hold it up in battroid mode, in fact, the action base came with a pice for hold it. (see the 3 pieces of the second pic http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN948215 ) will post tomorrow a pic too ohhh you are right I spoil my figure. I will buy a new one and I will paint in this form Wing: ligth green Main Body: green Shield and back wings: dark green hehehehehe
  3. Will make all the stickers/decal. I will send you by mp or a leave a post here with them. the stickers/decals will be in a pdf formart or in a bmp, for a second customize (yours if you want ) all free YES!!!! The cockpit I rebuild with epoxy putty, I Took the mold of my complete monster, the I mix the paint (Umbrol Drak green (50%) + Brown (50%)) and DONE! HEHEHEHE thanks, I'm creating a Custom box, follow the Bandai 1/72 box style . I will send pic the next week. I paint the lines first, then the steps and create the decals. I'm sticking the decals right now. this weekend I will post the pics of the final monster decals and paint I'm not soo sure about to print and apply a ranka decal. I like the classic style of the ep 7. but my girlfriend is annoying me to add the RANKA.... I will let you know who will win that fight ^_^ thanks to all for the comments!!!!!!
  4. thanks a lot for comments!!! I'm a beginner in toy/model kits custom. some weathering, panel lines, etc, but never in a big scale... or MONSTER SCALE, so this week I will post some new pics about the update of my worl thanks again!!!
  5. After a lot of months, money, glued fingers... here is my macross frontier VF-25 basic model kits
  6. well here's my work... Yesterday I just get my last VF-25 (Mikhail), I wanted to also have the VB-6 Kanaria, so I bought another as Monster and customice as Kanaria. Although I lack some finish details and cleaning, here's the Monster ended by 90%: D I hope that you take in mind for comments, that are not completely ready Acknowledgments: * My girlfriend for photos * A gazelene (a nick name of a friend here in chile) for the SMS word stickers and the SMS sign
  7. That is my problem, I sucks in photoshop I need the SMS word in the side and the shark jaw (both, in bomber and gerwalk mode)
  8. lets focus in the real thing... ¿someone could make a custom decal of kanaria monster for the yamato 1/100 VB-6? that is simple, nothing about necromancy or zombie posts this is macross forum not bio hazard (resident evil) hehehehe if some one make a custom decal, I in!!!
  9. nice, but the landing gear still sucks and for that reason the valk get a low score. I thin that the VF-25G looks great in battloid, gerwalk and figther but not in landing fighter. the valk is expensive, but still not "perfect transformation" for that reason I will continue the 1/72 line.
  10. Recently I bought this set: http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN955554 but in HLJ there is another set for this month: http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN954189 and another for march: http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN956045 My question is: The set of january is the set of klan with school uniform and SMS alto jacket? or is that the set of march? and if that set is the january set, witch figures came in the march set? :wacko: :wacko: ahgggg two differents gashapon setline from the same company and TV showv :wacko:
  11. I mean for the 1:60 toys. I have one 1:48 valk and I found a US CREW 1:48, but we need that some one make 1:60 macross crew
  12. if you make some 1/60 figures you will be rich in a little time. I have 8 models 1:72 but 30 1:60 and I think that a lot of us have more 1:60 than 1:72
  14. idem like anime52k8 the "problem" with the VF-25 is that he is transformable. could you paint with airbrush, but I recomed first "study" the manual and look some finished works (like mine, graham, etc) there is some parts that you could work with putt, like the nose cone, but other is very difficult to try to apply putty. I recomend that que white parts paint it with some mate white emanel spry (NOT USE GLOSS SPRY, YOU WILL KILL THE KIT). then you work in the interior parts with some "dry brush" technique in the next kits I will improve my skills, I thing That alto's VF could be better any way I'm verry happy with the finish Thanks My chilean fellow
  15. bandai is showing only the best... but... WE WANT LANDING GEARS PHOTOS!!!!
  16. thnx, take your time to build it for thin panel lines like the back face of the wing or to make the effect of dirty http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/tnt1...shes/tnt026.htm for the other pane line, the same technique and gundam maker. for the canopy blue light effect I use a technique of food artificial color with floor plastic wax. that make look the canopy like the 1/60 v.2 but with blue color instead the rebow effect. I left that to show that the valk legs could extend more and yo note that ^_^ hehehehe thanks all 1/72 B)) ... I hope XD I cancel both 1/60, because the 1/72 looks more like the TV series.
  17. thanks. I will improve my work with the next kits
  18. for thin panel lines like the back face of the wing or to make the effect of dirty http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/tnt1...shes/tnt026.htm for the other pane line, the same technique and gundam maker. for the canopy blue light effect I use a technique of food artificial color with floor plastic wax. that make look the canopy like the 1/60 v.2 but with blue color instead the rebow effect.
  19. I leave this pics here, but I thing that topic is not works, only for releases anyway... My work Fighter Gerwalk Transformation Battliod
  20. My work Fighter Gerwalk Transformation Battliod
  21. anything?
  22. first macross pin up. this pic is fron animefest, concepcion, chile on 2005. that was the first pin up of macross p.s: nice legs p.s: is my girlfriend *o*
  23. everyone except MIKHAIL WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY :( :( :( :( :( :(
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