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    Battle 7

maximilian_jenius's Achievements

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee (4/15)



  1. y que adaptador le pusiste para sujetarlas?
  2. I start to playing macross 30th but I having problem with the ISSUE ORDER BUTTON. When I press select the screen show me "AUTO MODE/AUTO BATTLE" but I can't give orders. The first time when I play it, I could but I start all over again but now I can´t does anyone could give me some tips?
  3. El miercoles me llegaron los 2 VF-171 CF asi que mañana subo fotos de los 171 + 171Ex saludos!
  4. anyone could help me to get the sv-51? and skull color theme?
  5. I WANT ONE TOO!!!
  6. lo unico malo de los renewal es que aun no salen los super parts de mikhail.
  7. trato de tener al menos 1 valk de cada 1 en caso de max tengo 2 de c/u ahora lo que mas me gusta es buscar "limited editions" o garage kits
  8. LO QUE TENIA AL MES PASADO... http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151431324937520&set=vb.785067519&type=3 Se han agregado varias cosas mas.
  9. in hlj.com the pre order is stoped or not yet open? I DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS BEAUTY!!!!
  10. last frontier is only a Macross Frontier game or you could use the classic VF... I mean, is only a Macross Frontier Stage Game or is like MUF or MTF when you could pass from zero to frontier. thanks!
  11. I don`t know if this question is all ready done and respond but. the new VF-25 line is compatible with the fast packs and armored packs? (in other words, we could save money in any way with this new release XDDDD) I will buy the new line ONLY if I could keep my old VF super/armored parts
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