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Everything posted by grassland

  1. Hi Rob Looks like i have my magazine on the way here.... Any idea how long it will take before it reach me??? thanks again grassland
  2. Update for me 1/48 = 11 1/60 = 22 1-72 = 7 the difference is that the hikaru vf-1s and 2 vf-1J. additional new member is the strike/fastpack that was added to the collection. maybe we should start stating how many fp we have too. what do you all think?
  3. Hi Recon i collect macross and evangelion. No i was not at TFH that night for the Masterpiece OP. Start buy anymore and my GF( wife to be) is going to leave me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. You guys are joy killers........... Now lets all dream that yamato is going to produce..( whatever you want ) and coming out in 2 weeks time............. I will like the 1/48 GBP
  5. Hi Recon here as you requested. Sorry guy off post but this pic might help other that recon to decide to buy the VF-1S Hikaru. The 2 hot shot of the movie and the series side by side! Not really sure if this help but I would say buy it and not regret later. Since the day i know Yamato, i know my destiny is with bread and noodles All started out with the YF-19 and the rest is history................. I mean my wallet and my pay check is HISTORY!!!!!!!! <_<
  6. Just got my 2 VF-1J home and cant wait to put them up for display. 1 with FP and 1 without FP. My 2 VF-1J side by side
  7. grassland

    Age Check! :)

    27 years old and been following macross since in on TV in Singapore in 1985(I THINK) got 9 1/48 with 2 more on the way and 22 1/60.
  8. Hi Rob just send you the payment....................... Cant wait to have it for display.......... 2 set for me thanks A MILLION Grassland Price of Yamato 1/48 $130, Price of Yamato 1/48 FP $60 Price of having Rob in this forum, PRICELESS..................
  9. Nice nice, I dont have too much patient to apply all that decal or sticker on my valkyrie. But if i am not wrong, you have paste the UN SPACY on you gun pod the wrong way round.It should be in battroid when the valk is holding the gun pod, the UN SPACY should reads up set down.
  10. Thanks!! The cabinet is called BONDE. I paid extra to get the glass shelve. the original shelve is wood but i think glass will look better. Got it form singapore Ikea........... Save some money by fixing it myself....... Come on humble people, show your collection.............. we can exchange 1/48 posing ideas
  11. Gerwalk!!! Cant really explain why but when i first transform my 1/48 from fighter to gerwalk, i think it has the best gerwalk pose when compare to 1/60 and bandai. I will not comment on the MPC <_
  12. Nothing to be shame, my fav food now is cup noodle and package noodle (any brand) Buying them is not cheap and buying a nice and big display case is no cheap either........ but i was saving for about a year before and when i move into my own house, my dispalay case is the most important, bed, sofa, kitchen wares and all secondary recon, The photo you requested, i got the display caabinet from Ikea.
  13. Very sharp eye recon, only the 1/48 is kept on top of the cabinets, the i/60 is below the display case. I try to keep their boxes near to where its display, even my bandai, the boes is kept below where its display too bad this is only for Yamato <_< heehee
  14. last pic..................... My all important collection............... Yamato 1/60. My TRU is also mint in the box at the back of the display on the right.....
  15. No place to display my Macross Plus yet........
  16. And another one........ My latest member of the family, hikaru VF-1S in FP
  17. For Yamato only??? ok.........
  18. After reading this i did a check with all the 1/48 and foung out that out of the VF-1S, one side of the hinge have broken off and 2 of the 1/48 already got stress mark on it. This is a known problem on the 1/48 and now compound with the weight of the FP i think alot more of this is going to happen. I am begining to worried any solution from anybody???
  19. People must undertstand that this is a forum and its to get to know one another and to share ideas, or solution(EXCELLENT) No one should come charging down on others cos "HE PLAY WITH TOYS" Just because you dont do it dont mean that it should no be done. NOW!!! what wrong with playing with toy or valkyrie. If we spend money to JUST DISPLAY THEM we might just download photos from the internet and then frame it up and hang on the wall. or frame up the money!!!! I still take my bandai and yamato out and PLAY with it once in a while and my girlfriend have no problem with it.
  20. grassland

    Hikaru VF-1S

    Thanks Man!!! This is easy, just grab a red marker and dot over it lol........... and is red!!! Hee hee. As long as i have that hikaru 1S, just a red dot is fine BTW, i notice that there is alot of QC INSPECTOR on MW. There is not a SINGLE Valkyrie here that score a 100% here and complain here complain there!!!! NOTHING IS PERFECT, GIVE AND TAKE people. just my opinion and not to offend anybody.
  21. grassland

    Hikaru VF-1S

    So what colour should the dot on the head be??? Red or Yellow???
  22. Sometimes I am not sure if some people understand english or not, the first message reads "Please, spare me the rhetoric about the 1/48 being better. I know the 1/48 is better and I'm sick and tired of being told to switch to 1/48 and generally people looking down on the 1/60. I like my 1/60s and would like to upgrade them if possible, okay? If you have no real contribution to this thread I would appreciate if you save the 1/48-ism for another occassion. Thank you." I myself collects all the 1/60 line and the 1/48. The cost of 1/60 is lower and is easlier for most people to complete their macross(valkyrie) collection. Just leave this thread to the 1/60 collector to voice their disappointment over 1/60 FP. I for one will pick up the upgrade set and fix up the FP myself if yamato release the FP kit.
  23. For a moment, the F-15 FAST pack seems like its drop tank to me??? and The Greeks are also purchasing an F-16 with an avionics box that runs along the dorsal centerline, from behind the cockpit to the vertical tail fairing. I had the privilege of seeing one at the LMCO assembly plant in Ft. Worth. That was a neat tour. : ............. this avionics is only on the F-16 C and D model, the older A and B model dont have it.
  24. I voted for 1J cos its not a 1J head you see very day, how i wish Yamato will put in extra head so we can change it ourselves. but even if they produce both, i will still both of them!
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