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Everything posted by RangerKarl

  1. You forgot: "Robotech: Rogue Spear" "Robotech: Ghost Recon" And then there's: "Robotech: Full Spectrum Warrior" "Robotech: Operation Flashpoint" "Robotech: Second Sight" "Robotech: "IGI" How could we not include Robotech: Splinter Cell? That's a classic!
  2. It's a Gunbuster/Macross joke. Oh, I get it now...
  3. I can't help but imagine Cyclops (of X-men fame) flying this thing!
  4. Aw, streaming? No downloadable?
  5. To me they look more like cruise missiles of some sort. Can we get someone who can read Japanese in here? I'd like to know for sure.
  6. Nothing in 1280x1024 giant size?
  7. I never noticed Battle 7 having Gundam colours
  8. The problem is, PS2 uses a 64bit central proc (if I remember correctly), while home PCs only utilize 32 bit code. Even for us with 64 bit chips, we'd need a corresponding 64 bit OS.
  9. That's a Dune reference, not Alien Ressurection.
  10. Maybe Shin and co. will steal one if they get packed up and thrown into the enemy brig? A possibility to consider...
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