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Everything posted by maxi

  1. I agree totally
  2. the "code" name for the VF-0 is PHOENIX. I think because is some kind of "rebirth" of the VF-1, even when vf-0 is previous, it is very confusing
  3. the fact they are in the same scale doesn´t mean they are the same size. yf-19 is bigger than vf-0 or vf-1.
  4. Hi guys. At the moment the project is in stand-by because personal issues. I hope I can return to it as soon as possible. Sorry, see ya.
  5. hello again. this time I´ll show you the building process of a rc yf-19. this is a very simple model made of foam. It has no wingfoil and it can fly. well, here is the thread. http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread....highlight=yf+19
  6. SORRY GUYS, HERE IS THE PAGE http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.ph...mp;postcount=14
  7. CHECK THIS OUT GUYS http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.ph...mp;postcount=14 )
  8. I have studied aerodinamics and I`m aware of all those things. I saw a RC SV-51 that can fly and I realy think that my proyect can be made to. If you would show the blue prints of any modern aircraft to Bristol or any of those designers, they would think the same as you. In other hand, there are in the market a lot of turbine engines for model airplanes that can give 15 kg of thrust, and I`m planning to use two of these. Besides, with all the robotics and material tecnology that we have now a days I think I`s very posible. dreams cost nothing,
  9. No problem, I´ll check that out.
  10. It´s a fully transformable flying RC yf-19. It´s a very ambicious proyect. Any help will be apreciated.
  11. I folks. me again, jaja. I´ve already designed the leg mechanism and the engine controls. this will be so great!!! see ya.
  12. how do I get the link in rapidshare???
  13. can you ad the link to the download page?? thanks.
  14. Hi guys. at the time I´m starting also a paper model of this beautifull plane. I´ll post the finished model for download. greattings
  15. thanks for the support guys jajaj
  16. you can do it in www.rapidshare.de you have tu create an acount. is free and fast. I´ll wait for that link my e-mail is maxikumike@yahoo.com.ar
  17. I am about to start the first prototype of the yf-19. I´m a pilot and an aeronautical technician also. I have been studing with engeneers, and the idea is posible. I will post some pictures of the project as soon as I can(specialy for macross73). greetings, see ya.
  18. check this out folks. a real transformer!!!!! this japanese guys are so advanced. wouldn´t be great that this could be modified to use in real vf´s??? check out this videos GREATINGS FROM ARGENTINA http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=26...p;q=transformer
  19. Hi I am from Argentina and I want to know what happens with the leggios? your last post was on july? are you done with the paper model?? thanks, great work. I am about to start a fully transformable YF-19. I will post my work in this pages. See ya
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