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Everything posted by maxi

  1. just a quick question....were can I find one of these beauties?????
  2. thanks for the ideas guys!!the skull paint scheme sounds nice....also was thinking in a red whit black scheme...i`ll keep you posted about my choise
  3. hello guys. any ideas??? is the commander version
  4. have you guys seen this?? I think is very impresive!! http://only-paper.ru/forum/55-6881-1 it`s in russian....but pictures speak for them selves....
  5. Hello guys!!! I was looking in the web for some 3-view of the light jet seen in the new TRON movie....the one that clu and rinzler ride.... or maybe better some blueprints....can someone help me???
  6. maxi

    new model

    Hello guys!!!Happy New Year!!! I have just bougth a vf-27 beta from hobby link japan.....I chose SAL shipping so It will arrive in a couple of weeks....what I need is some tips you can give me about this model....if any of you have ever build one....thanks
  7. maxi


    so....any of you guys perhaps.....
  8. maxi


    in turbosquid are very expensives!!!and I have been searching on fan sites for the last week and nothing....I was hopping someone here would have some models and want to share....
  9. maxi

    Old YF-19 model

    it´s very cool!!!I like the way you "paint" the leg!! could you by any chance send that model to my e-mail??not the finished and more elaborated model....just the old one....I have no skills on modeling and I realy need a model like that for what I´m planning....
  10. maxi


    Hello all. I´m looking for some Megazord 3d models....doesn´t matter the poly count...any ideas???
  11. maxi

    Old YF-19 model

    where did you find that model rodavan??? I´m working on some highly detailed papermodel and it will be very usefull....
  12. hello guys. I´ve been looking the mod and is prety impresive!!! there are some models I´d like to mess with.... but I can´t find any good hod viewer....what do you recomend....thanks..... P/S: the reason I want to work with models if for papermodeling issues....nothing comercial.......just for fun....
  13. Hello guys!!I´m looking for some VF-11 3d models. I´m a papercraft designer-buider.... I´m planing to design a transformable paper VF-11.....do you have any??thanks
  14. that`s not a f-22 raptor....it`s a f-35 lightning II....very good work!!!!
  15. great work anime52k8!!!!but could you fix your last post??the last 2 images are not available...............me like to see more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. hi guys!!any news on this??I leave this web where some very skillfull people are working on another mod. including yf-19, yf-21, and vf-25. they are on the final stage. very worthy to check. http://macrossrobotech.forosonline.es/foro...p-mods-f30.html see ya
  17. Love those regult´s!!!is there any chance for you to share those models with me?I´m working on several macross papermodels and that´s the kind of 3d model I need. The finished models will be posted here, free of course!!keep doing this beautiful job!!! THIS MOD WILL ROCK!!!
  18. prety cool skins prime!!I love Max type
  19. any news?????
  20. maxi


    those scans are nice, but not very helpfull. I was talking about scans like the ones that are in the models section, in hasegawa models. are there anything like that for the vf-25?? thanks anyway bad boy.
  21. maxi


    thanks!!I´ll check that out
  22. hello there......i´m looking for some vf-25 schematics. side views or anything like marking and painting views, from the models.thanks guys
  23. maxi

    YF-19 Model

    i need a batroid mode of the yf-19.anyone??please pm me
  24. any news for me???
  25. are there any swordfish 2 lineart or blueprins??thanks
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