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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. Thanks for your comments. I guess I'll have to figure something out once I have my copy
  2. Amazing!!
  3. Hi guys. I have a question. Is it really necessary to remove the hands in order to transform from gerwalk to fighter? Is it because the hands are to big? Or is there really no space inside to store the hands. I was thinking about adapting some of the articulated gunpla hands. What would be the correct scale? Not a gunpla builder so I have no idea of the dimension of lets say 1/144 hands. Thanks
  4. maxi


    That´s to bad...Is there any other site like it? And is there any place like archive.org?
  5. maxi


    Hi guys. I was wondering what happened to fg-site.net Sorry if this was answered before or if it is in the wrong sección. Thanks.
  6. While Hasegawa makes some wonderfull and more screen accurate and well proportioned kits, I do love transforming my valks but can´t afford a DX. So I´m totally in for this Bandai kits!
  7. maxi

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    Try living in Argentina were the currency exchange rise to over 1/12 .....
  8. Hi there, nice find!! This is from the model section on the old macrossworld site http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models/arii/76523i.jpg This one is also from the models section but from a bootleg...I believe they are the same as far as the instructions... http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models/bootleg/olympus_3_i.jpg not the best quality but may help you. Good luck.
  9. maxi

    Macross 3D models.

    Hi and welcome. You should try with the macross mod for YSFlight. There is an entire section of Frontier models. Not hi poly but pretty nice models, The thing is that you need a specific program to open the files...let me look at my drive and I`ll PM you.
  10. DIto to that.....I would also like to see a YF-19. Or a VF-11 with the APS -11 Protect Armor Pack!!! It`s free to dream..
  11. Hello guys. I was wondering if there is a chance that bandai release a YF-30 in plamo version. I really love it but can`t afford a DX, specially here in Argentina where import taxes are prohibitive and you end up paying almost twice the price...Thanks.
  12. Oh my.....that is very cool!!!hope to more of this....
  13. WOW!!!Where did you get that!!! That is awesome!!! I guess you could copy the missing parts on the third from the others and have all the modes in display....I´ll be following this.... P/S: What else was in that magic box??
  14. Are you guys talking about the nose in the cad image??It looks odd really, but I thinks it`s just the perspective....it`s called parallel projection....that it`s why it look short and wide...
  15. Could any of the guys who have assembled this tell if it would be possible put some little springs inside the leg delivery actuator??so it could be forced to the closed position.... some pics of this part and how it attaches to the back plate would be apreciated...
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