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Everything posted by cobywan

  1. I never would have imagined Bandai would do Gundam kits that were nearly as good as Tamiya kits. So who knows...
  2. Here's my guess. Bandai took thier Gundam property and made a seriese of kits to compliment the 1/35th scale armor hobby and capitalize a market Tamiya has helped create. The Hardgraph line. I think this kit might be a good old static kit to go against Hasegawa with thier aircraft market. I'm going to wager they are making a beautifully detailed VF-25 without any moving gimmicks and do the best detailing job they can just like the do with the Hardgraph line. There's 2 cents for ya. Probably worth less than that in this market.
  3. That means we will be getting a PM from you when you need the deposite?
  4. I'm in for one for sure! I think the price is very reasonable.
  5. I hate you. My local store hasn't gotten anything Macross related since the first Bandai kit. Grrrrrrrrrrr........ Great job on those by the way. I'm jealous.
  6. That looks great! Darn you for using the colors I was going to paint mine with...
  7. 1/18th scale to go with the other planes and diecasts out there. Or a 1/32nd scale Moscato Ultimate Valkyrie with photoetched framing and white metal internal components. Yeah.
  8. I think the remainders went to Starship Modeler. But they seem to be sold out. They don't even show up on thier site anymore. I wish I would have known to buy it there last week when I saw it. I know some people here bought more than one...
  9. That was the Starship stuff. I'm still checked out of that part of the hobby. I've always been here at Macross World and Gears Online. As for the kit, I did have one set aside for a while but didn't act fast enough with payment to get it. Oh well.
  10. Did anyone buy spares and would be willing to sell one to me? I think the Starship modeler store sold out of John's kit. Thanks.
  11. I've gotta get that kind of excitment in my work somehow. I love your work man.
  12. I think his hands are full this month with the Commencherro. (sp?)
  13. 1/72nd Tactical Pod Glaug. Then the flight pack for it a year or two later. Then a Neo Glaug. Fully variable.
  14. I wonder how much of the "graphics" issues people are having with R2 to GoW are acutally game design issues. I don't pretend to understand the nuances of game shaders but I really dig the architectural design to R2. I think the difference in color schemes are something to consider too.
  15. I've been using automotive lacquers for 12 years and haven't had any problems with my health. I haven't been happy with any water based acrylic paint yet. I like having a very hard paint to work on. And the water based paints don't shade worth a darned compared to enamels. A fan blowing out a window should take care of your lacquer fume problem and you'll get to stick to the products you know. that's my 2 pennies.
  16. That's a GOOD one! I've really dug that design.
  17. Don't foret to backup your current system to an external drive with the built in utility. That way you can retain all your downloaded stuff to the new drive.
  18. I imagine a PG VF-1 in 1/32nd "could" be something to behold. But I would think that Bandai would fudge the detailing for the sake of getting the parts out of the molds. I would KILL for a HardGraph level VF-1 kit.
  19. I imagined it's roughly an Apache with Soviet design asthetics.
  20. I mentioned it. But I wasn't gonna press. There's no point trying to out geek the sci-fi museum floor goons.
  21. It's actually in really good shape. But the guys there aren't geeky enough. They put the head on backwards.
  22. I saw the real thing at the Sci-fi museum here in Seattle a couple of months back.
  23. It's red... Diablo!
  24. I'm in for one.
  25. They wont be available for a while I think. Maybe in 2009. But I,m not sure about that.
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