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Everything posted by cobywan

  1. I really dig the way the gunpods are mounted under the reaction bombs.
  2. I heard he was interested in X-men first year or something like that. I think they should make a movie of the classic BSG totally tongue in cheek.
  3. OK. You aren't getting the joke.
  4. I don't think anything is going to happen with this. I will short list it for a personal project though. That way I can do whatever detailing I want with no economic concerns at all. I may need to model it myself in Rhino too. It would definitely be a good learning project.
  5. There's another scale?
  6. And Chimp/dogbots. Don't forget the Daggitbots.
  7. For the love of God I hope so!
  8. I am so jealous. I'm working on my armored Ozuma kit now. Well off and on anyway.
  9. The clear urethanes aren't any more toxic than the opaque ones. And you should use a platinum based silicone instead of tin. But I've been told by a caster that after a few castings in a tin cured mold the clear parts should turn out ok. But for sure acrylic is VERY nasty. And super expensive from what I've seen.
  10. They sell it in 50 gallon drums if your a serious caster. I've never seen one myself though.
  11. I have a huge library of PS2 games. When I got my PS3 is put the PS2 away. I don't have the room for two consoles and the PS2 was a launch unit with a slightly problematic laser. My wife couldn't play her Harvest Moon game anymore. I still buy PS2 games to this day.
  12. Graham, we haven't seen what a post Titanic Cameron can do. That was his last fictional film. I'm fine with a reboot of the original concept more in line with the '79 series. It's not going to be remotely the same and could be an extremely fun way to shove pop and popcorn into my piehole. I just hope they put better thought into their art direction. I hated the Viper they had in the pipeline for Singer's previous incarnation of this. They should get Syd Mead to do some work for them this time.
  13. I'm just saying 1/12 is a motorcycle scale where 1/18 is a universal car and aircraft scale.
  14. 1/18th is the scale you want. And me too.
  15. I might just go insane and do a one of a kind. I would love to put all the cutaway detail inside and have paper thin skins on the fuselage. Or in my imagination land interpretation, a completely brass or aluminum model. (I'll keep on dreaming on that one.)
  16. I'd take a wife over decals any day. But mine doesn't demand jewelry, so that's easy for me to say. Sorry. That was rude.
  17. So I've been thinking of doing a VF-1 in 1/32nd scale. I've got a great source for a CG modeled Valkyrie lined up and I've just got some CNC capabilities finally worked out here at the shop. So what would people want for detail and how much would you be willing to pay? My problem is that I would want to go TOO far with it. If you've seen my test from MANY years back, you would know what I am talking about. Here are some shots of what I've done before. http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Templates/VFShells.htm http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Templates/VFscribes.htm http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Templates/VFfoam.htm And here is an idea of how far I'm willing to go for detail. http://www.nugalactica.blogspot.com/ I need a reality check. That's why I'm asking here. Thanks guys.
  18. I'm REALLY old. I'll always call those kits Arii and Imai models. I think those old kits got me through adolescence safely. I love seeing them get some respect by modelers. The Hasegawa kit is super sweet too.
  19. The perfect memory book has been scanned and is available online from the Archive Scans site. Check out the iMacross Server section for info.
  20. Speaking of which, I still need to finish that kit. I've got it in Champagne Gold right now. So STL isn't the ONLY way to get this model done. I've been taking baby steps with the capacity of our CNC router these days at work... http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-sn...6_1092524_n.jpg http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2...160_4614746.jpg http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-sn...64_857629_n.jpg
  21. This project has two great aspects that set it apart. The model would be 19" long. It the TV version. Which has had NO love in 25 years. It's the one I really want a super detailed model of. The Yamato toy doesn't look so hot in the photo's I've seen so far. I thought there was more elegance to the TV version as well. It certainly closes up tighter in cruise mode when compared to the motion picture version.
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