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Everything posted by cobywan

  1. I really wan't the Dragon kit but I am tired of waiting on this guy. He sounds a litle flakey but there probably is something lost in translation. I can't be sure if the "Bush/SDF" thing isn't a joke. He could have been trying to make a pun in regards to SDF and Macross. I say we try to get the Dragon kits and give him another three months. It has been about a year since he was paid for this stuff.
  2. Yeayyyyyyyyyy brother.
  3. I can't imagine why there would be people rising from the dead in a show that deals with Egyptian myth themes.
  4. On a first run episode I DO sit around waiting for it to come on. But last nights episode was a stinker. The first real sinker I have come across so far. It felt like a cost cutting filler episode. But I love the series. For the longest time my wife and I couldn't figure out if we liked Farscape or Stargate better. I guess you can love both just as much for different reasons. These quality stories have ruined Star Trek Enterprise for me. They really make the ST shows seem like they are written with the least amount of effort and imagination.
  5. There were quite a few things talked about that haven't come about. Wasn't Monkey Nugget going to do it?
  6. It's dead in the water. I want to restart it and have a friend cast up parts in brass for me. But who know how well that will turn out. I intend to start over and make the shells out of vaccuum formed styrene sheet. It really is much stronger and easier to work with than those brittle epoxie putty shells. I use several templates that you can buy from HLJ. Look under the Hasegawa Tritools section. The best scribing tool I have used is a shortened sewing needle. I like it better than an X-acto blade because it works in circular motions as well as in a straight line.
  7. You do it just like this; http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Templates/VF.htm http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Templates/VFplans.htm http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Templates/VFfoam.htm http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Templates...es/VFShells.htm http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Templates...s/VFscribes.htm Just be sure to not burn yourself out by working too long of hours. It can kill ya.
  8. Gorporate greed is a redundant statement. It's good to know what to look out for. Thanks for the heads up.
  9. We have established in other threads that the animation studios made mistakes all the time. This lead to the VF-1R toy that Toynami made. The traditional Takani box arts for the Macross line depict the VF-1J as being grey and the VF-1S as being white. If there is anything written down in the texts I have I wouldn't be able to read it anyway.
  10. The 1J is not white. It is indeed a light grey.
  11. That would be in February right?
  12. It's still going on. We are all just in a holding pattern right now.
  13. Apollo and ATHENA were brother and sister. What you said would make the Apollo Sheeba romance way too Lucasfilm.
  14. It's the same role as the Elintseeker. And I believe the two are the only crew.
  15. cobywan

    Macross Destroids

    You know tha Kawamori did some design work for that series of game, right?
  16. $30 an hour. However I am afraid to ask what it would cost ME to use someone elses CGI model.
  17. The first step in what I need to do is get a precise form made solid. After that a mold will be made of that form and a casted shell detailed. A new mold is produced form the detailed shell. The end result being a resin kit that looks like an injection molded one. Here is what I had done before. I just want to start off with a better form and be more precise in generating it. http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Templates/VFfoam.htm http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Templates...es/VFShells.htm http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Templates...s/VFscribes.htm I'll move this to a new forum at some point.
  18. I'll start a new thread later with the details. Of course NURBS models are the best to use but if you can output an IGES or STL mesh then things are set. It is just a matter of designing the mesh for the purposes of tooling out wood/foam. By the way totally awesome work guys. This stuff kicks the Star Wars and Star Trek CGI fan meshes to thte ground.
  19. AVP just doesn't fit dude. It doesn't even fit the continuities of the two series.
  20. OK. I am seeing some very incredible work going on here. Much better than anything I would do in Macross CGI. So this has me thinking that It would be great to put the best Variable CGI model through the CNC process of patterning. Is anyone here interested?
  21. Me too. I can scratch build a Dragon II myself if I releally want one.
  22. I say we should try to get our money back. Then if that doesn't work we need to tell Big West. I am afraid that there will be little recourse for a small claims case. It would cost more to file than what we want back. It's too bad Jesse has to deal with this. You deserve a party or something. And Rob/Monkey Nugget too.
  23. It's worth the money. But if you don't have the skills to build it, it's not worth Your money
  24. Thanks for the compliments. The router hasn't been purchased. My friend is taking a trip to Toronto Saturday to check it out before he buys it. It can cut out hard wood and probably can cut Ren Shape pattern board. I am going to cut really hard foam for my models. I can find out what he is going to charge per hour. But if the designs are simila to your posted models above I would suggest building up the shapes put of sheet material. But if they are round or organic then the router would be ideal.
  25. Here is my Rhino model. I hope to use a friend's CNC router to cut out a model of it. http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Images/En.../Assembly30.jpg http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Images/En.../Assembly26.jpg http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Images/En.../CNC_test01.jpg http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Templates...erprise_CGI.htm
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