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Everything posted by cobywan

  1. You're probably not good at model because you buy Bandai kits. They have been slowly destroying the craft by making it too easy for customers. The PL Enterprise is less expensive than the Bandai kit to boot.
  2. What Gundam are you talking about? I haven't seen any Gundams here.
  3. I just got the Aoshima kit last week. I have seen the kit go for more than the Sideshow figure.
  4. If you want to release it in the US you HAVE to go through Harmony Gold.
  5. I can do it. Anybody can do it. You just need to do some drawing and find a nice PE vendor.
  6. This is really frustrating. I see the topic is updated but with totally off topic stuff. This thread really stresses me out becase of the 18 month wait. Can we keep it on topic? Pretty please. With sugar in top.
  7. It is the original Giger sculpted Alien. I have never seen a really nice sculpt of that version. Everything seems to be slightly "off" a little. I don't know how well it will turn out in the end. I am starting with a rough sculpt of the Etiopian actor they got for the suit. He is a 6' 10" lanky fellow and makes for a very gracefull base to design from. I'll have to post pictures when it is far enough for that.
  8. Just to be clear...The parts I made a couple of years ago are hand made. Actually they were a proof of process. They were done very fast and with little thought. That is why it stopped dead in it's tracks. The problem of the heat shield passing through the air-brake machinery was too much of a problem to deal with. Also the epoxy shells were very brittle. Next time I will use vaccuum formed shells. The CNC angle was a direction I was thinking after seeing so many super fine CGI models in the fan works forum. I do most of my modeling by hand. It is definately faster than the time it takes to model in CGI and set up the toolpaths. Right now I use the computer to draft out blueprints and test forms in 3d. I won't be starting the Valkyrie project untill well after the CNC is up and running. Till then I am foucusing on a 1/4 scale Alien and a 30" Battlestar Galactica. I have too many irons in the fire.
  9. Hello, You mentioned a "real aircraft," do you mean as opposed to a Macross valkyrie, which technically is an imaginary aircraft? You are either implying that your scratchbuilt 1/32 valkyrie would be better than the one created by "MACROSS MODELLING," or you're saying you are no longer making a fictional Macross valkyrie, but rather a "real" aircraft such as an F-14/F-18/etc. (These comments are commonly referred to as sarcasm.) Personally, I surmise that you are implying that your 1/32 scratchbuild will be better than the one posted here, which I think is very negative and condescending. Nothing personal here "Cobywan," but it's usually not cool to come into a thread showcasing someone's hardwork which has received nothing but praise, and make a smart ass comment. This isn't a freaking contest to see who is making a better one, especially since no one has heard about your project in quite a while. We're getting regular updates here (CNC router or not), and yeah, I see room for improvement, but I'm not here talking crap. Let's support our fellow fans, and not put them down. Props, not put downs my friend. Opinions are certainly welcome, especially when posted in a non-haughty constructive manner. Damn, this thread was postive for a while unlike so many others..., here's hoping it will stay that way. Sincerely, Christopher See previous links. I wasn't trying to insult Macross Modeling. At least he is finnishing his. Like your post is all friendly. And I have been spending a lot of time woring on other stuff too. I am just frustrated at having to work on models of buildings and offices for 40 to 60 hours a week. I would love to be able to do this stuff full time. I wish I had a cre to crank out product too. But that will never happen. I can only hope to make one product a year if I am lucky.
  10. Didn't you have any pictures? My memory is not so good. http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Templates/VFscribes.htm
  11. I'm not doing this. Mine would look like a real aircraft. I am still waiting for the CNC router to be set up to use it.
  12. Worked fine on mine.
  13. No you can't. EasyOff oven cleaner will take the paint right off with no damage to the figure. Use acrylic next time.
  14. Do you have one? I do. The Code 3 collectibles are actually very well detailed. The only thing that the Code 3 Falcon has in common with the old MPC kit is the high side-walls. The detail in the surface it quite exquisite and sharp. (And there is a LOT more detail on the Code 3 model than on the MPC kit.) The paint jobs SUCK! They only serve to camoflage the details and make people think the product sucks.
  15. I can't help ya on the SMT stuff. Those were slapped down pretty hard by the Lucasfilm Lawyers. I heard they appear on Ebay from time to time. Alfred doesn't do any of the casting though. You would need to talk to SMT. But I am sure they won't break the CnD.
  16. Boy I feel like a heel giving up on mine way back. Well I will start again once the CNC is plugged in. Nice work by the way.
  17. SMT never made a standard Tie. Those are a british product.
  18. Kewl... My wife is about as big a Farscape fan as they come. I should try and track this kit down for her. Anyone know how to contact the people that were offering it at Wonderfest? Thanks, Carl My friend makes that kit. There are scribes under the piping like on the CGI model. More than a lump of resin. The Mortar Headd kit was mine. The SMT kits were all Alfred Wong's. He made the patterns for those two people out there that didn't already know that. The Station looks much better in person. It rotates and I got the video to prove it.
  19. That is the best build up I've seen yet. Good job.
  20. Some people people have no taste.
  21. There is absolutely no reason to make the booster one solid piece of resin. Make it in smaller pieces that are 4mm thick and you will dramaticly reduce both the weight and material cost.
  22. Naww. Just my credit rating.
  23. Be jealous, for he acquired an original Phantom recently. But I have an original Twin Tower Jagd Mirage. So there. I'll get my Phantom. Oh yes...I will. Nice to see more build-ups by the way.
  24. I see Mortar Headds in the background! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
  25. I buy a lot from them. They are very good businessmen. They don't actually do the recasting. They are a distributor. And they sell my Lancer II kit.
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