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Everything posted by cobywan

  1. So everyone here is into the Japanese culture right? So if that is true, how could anyone here NOT like the Tyco drums. I bought the soundtrack and listened to it about a dozen times in the car. The Stu Philips theme is iconic but also bombastic. The Viper fanfare in the original show is quite grating to listen to over and over. You have to admit that drums are the instruments of war. Not a symphony. By the way I love the new Galactica if you can't tell. I have been soing a lot of CAD work on her as well. http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Templates/Galactica2003.htm http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Templates/ViperMKII.htm Galactica2003_Top.pdf
  2. I could care less about decals for the kit. I wouldn't use them anyway. I am excited to get white metal in the kit. I would call this great news. Period. Monkey definately deserves a bonus.
  3. Yay!!! Forward movement.
  4. http://btobsearch.barnesandnoble.com/books...64307959&itm=10
  5. Yeah! There's, like, a million of them. You can try Google to find them. There's too many to choose from for me to make a recomendation.
  6. I think we should leave it.
  7. You don't have to fill seams on styrene? Resin kits are easier in the sense that there are far fewer parts to deal with. But you can't get around masking though. A lot of injection molded kits are parted out at color changes.
  8. Sytene: Apples Resin: Oranges Comparison is useless.
  9. Put me down for a couple. Or I can cast them for you.
  10. Did you notice he has a Macross II avatar?
  11. If you have a guage you can tell when you have enough draw. But be sure that the container you have your rubber in is three times the volume of the rubber you put into it. The amound of volume the rubber takes up under vaccuum is frightening. You don't want to loose any of your precious bodily fluids... No wait, that's precious silicone rubber.
  12. That canister will work fine for vaccuum. You will need to put a rubber gasket on it though. I use a flat plate of 1/2" polycarbonate sheet with a hose for vaccuum as a standard lid that I put onto whatever container I need. A large container takes longer to evacuate than a smaller one does. I put the caulking seal on the canisters.
  13. I think he disagrees with giving the viewer a choice of which version to watch.
  14. cobywan

    VF-0A kit

    Or at the very least another calender. But I would love a thurough art book with an isnstructional section like Mikimoto did for his stuff.
  15. By the way, My vaccuum chamber is made out of a rolled sheet of .060" styrene glued into a tube of about 10" diameter and 24" tall. Seriously...a metal pressure pot is fine for vaccuum. But canning pots are sheet metal and get crushed after three uses. Even the enameled steel ones.
  16. There is nothing wrong with using a pressure cooker as a vaccuum chamber. There isn't enough atmospheric pressure to do you harm. But never use a pressure cooker as a pressure pot; http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Templates/Whoopsie.htm
  17. I'm envious of hit tools. I wish I had my own shop to work in.
  18. HG is toothless and if you are making 20 of an item for a $10 profit then they wont bother you. The only reason John stopped the Legioss is because he tried to get a proper license and they gave him a CnD when he guaged the interest in the kit. If you don't advertise your product in a magazine it probably wont be an issue. It wasn't for me and I made 40 Lancer II kits.
  19. Wonderfest licensing is an event only deal. Anybody can get the license for the event if you are attending and can get the approval of said license holders. The license doesn't extend out of the sales room and I think there is a limit to the number of items you can sell there.
  20. Well this is Very informative. I may need to get a checkup and see what's going on. A 1/48th scale booster would be ginormous.
  21. What are the side effects of prolonged Ren dust exposure? I wonder if my constant colds are a result of my work environment. There are so many things wrong with my work area. I can't even start. I can't wait to see the finnished patterns on this booster. I am totally stoked that we are going to get master craftsmanship on this Macross kit.
  22. Well duh! The description was describing the hell they went through to get a decent surface on the FX miniature. I wouldn't think much of a primer would be necessary on a styrene kit. The finnish on the NX-01 kit was nice so the only issue is to get paint to stick. A good scrubbing with Bonami is all I use. And the Polar Lights styrene is very sensative to lacquers anyway. I have been suggesting people use the pearlescant powders into thier preferred clear medium. The description in that thread is a lot more descriptive than what was on Olsen's personal web page for years already.
  23. Me three.
  24. A gentleman at HobbyTalk pumped the FX miniature painter for som more information. It is a very techie thread in technique but very usefull; http://www.hobbytalk.com/bbs1/showthread.php?t=86068
  25. The lead in to the thread you guys are pointing to states that these are pre production test parts for design purposes. When the NX-01 came out they had corrected the paneling in the tooling. I have seen some of the plans for this kit. The scribes are called out as 0.3mm on them. So we'll see in October if the toolmakers are that good.
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