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Everything posted by cobywan

  1. I have to say I don't buchcare for the VF-9 and I can not stand non-cannon stuff in Macross. Specially when it looks Gundam like as it does with the Thunder Hammer. I am ALL OVER the GPB armor though.
  2. Every person who learns of Macross World is greeted with the Legioss project on the main front page. So it's right there for everyone to be curious about. Unpin it if you like. But if another question pops up I would suggest it stay up forever.
  3. I'm just thrilled to have this debacle concluded. Thanks again to Jessy and Rob for suffering hell to get us these kits. I am sure Tanmen is done with Macross now. Which is fine with me after getting Cap'n America's booster kit.
  4. Go buy a copy of Macross: Perfect Memory. You can find it by using Google. That is all the reference you will need.
  5. Yeah. What Exo said. If you want quality withou quantity you are going to spend money. You should just be glad you aren't into the FSS kits. They are all above the price ranges that Capn A quoted.
  6. Less that $60.
  7. It has one built in. Problem is that the Hard drive unit won't work in this case.
  8. I was joking. (And bragging.)
  9. What the heck is that? It's this; http://www.mechadream.com/VjagdC.htm I have one of the Volks kits. The canons are six feet tall.
  10. I'm in for a 1/72nd scale Jagd Mirage with Twin Tower.
  11. So you don't use two part molds at all? interesting. How do you determin where to cut? What about pour and vent holes and registration marks? I'd love to learn more about how you do this, as I'm pretty inexperience with casting but am trying to learn as fast as I can Thanks Sean This is a practical mold that addresses every concern you posed; http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Templates/Lncrmld.htm Wait a minute here, so you can make the mold, soak it and blow it up proportionally? I have some ideas here but since I can't find resin casting supplies here, can someone try? I was gonna do the Mcguyver way with a tube of silicone to make the mold and will find a suitabilit "resin" - probably some kind of epoxy as explained by another member. Can someone try this : Blow up a 1/72 piece to 1/48? Think of the possiblities! That's the theory. I started a test. It didn't really work so I need to try another approach. I'll let you know what works.
  12. SWEET!!! Please keep us updated on your progress! How big is she? 29.125" long
  13. So you don't use two part molds at all? interesting. How do you determin where to cut? What about pour and vent holes and registration marks? I'd love to learn more about how you do this, as I'm pretty inexperience with casting but am trying to learn as fast as I can Thanks Sean This is a practical mold that addresses every concern you posed; http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Templates/Lncrmld.htm
  14. Any silicone should work. Let the rubber set then remove the pattern and let dry. You will not be able to pour two halves seperately. You can pour the whole mold at once and cut open the mold after it sets. That is my usual mold-making procedure anyway.
  15. I usually pour molds into a sealed box. Or at least I cover the top with a plate to make the top of the mold flat. So in this situation you just let it set up like normal. The rubber then shrinks over time as the fumes leech out of it. For me I can take the parts out in 8 hours or so. But you could let the full 24 pass if your container is really tight. The part was probably used on the raider. But it is also used on this baby; http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Templates/Galactica1978.htm
  16. AJMADISON wrote "Just doing some quick and dirtry calculations suggest that the reduction in volume is pretty much linear with the % naptha. If I assume I'm reducing a cube but using your imperical results I get: 1X * 1X * 1X = X^3 (or 1 cubic X) with 0% naptha .95X * .95X * .95X = .85X^3 at 20% naptha (approximately 15% reduction in volume) .80X * .80X * .80X = .512 X^3 at 50% naptha (approximately 49% reduction in volume) So there's some minor ugliness in having to calculate volumes when determining a linear reduction, but considering the tolerances involved, one could just play some calculator math until you get the approximately the linear reduction of interest. but the initial attempt would come out pretty close. If I had to guess, looks like there's a slight fudge factor because not all of the naptha evaporates during the cure, so I'd add a bit extra naptha to counter the mechanical/chemical inefficiency of the technique." Naptha is a mild thinner solvent that doesn't hurt styrene. I actually used Zippo lighter fluid. It is 100% naptha. As far as swelling a mold I am guessing a few hours. But be warned...the mold with naptha in it is delicate and the detail gets soft. But it should give you a great head start on a project.
  17. I found this neat trick online. Add naptha to your silicone before pouring it. Then after it sets up it will shrink in a fairly even fashion. (Supposedly you can soak a finnished mold in it too to make it swell up to a larger size.) Think of the possibilities... http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Images/Shrink.jpg
  18. You should make another one for Monkey to take to Wonderfest. It deserves a big picture in Hobby Japan. For real. Maybe your Dream Pod 9 friends would like to run an article on it.
  19. Not divisionas much as redefining the marks on a ruler. Metric scales are usually nice round numbers. You want to know about a strange scale? Just ask how HO is based off of a horses ass. Really.
  20. She could still end up being a womanizer. That would be cutting edge sci-fi.
  21. Transforming machines and crazy hair. That's all the connection that Macek needs.
  22. Yes yes! And the Serenity was in the BSG miniseries.
  23. The UK is airing it first because Sky One is fronting some of the bill. Sci-fi network says that Battlestar Galactica is the most expensive series that they have aired. That means that it cost more to make than Farscape which really had some bang for the buck, but was still too expensive to keep running. It Adama. As in Adam. As in Adam and Eve lore. The original Galactica had a lot of Morman philosophy in it I'm told. The whole 13th tribe thing and all. Wierd. That is the missing magic ingredient to the hardcore original fans.
  24. I do too. It makes me giggle.
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