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Everything posted by cobywan

  1. cobywan

    Old Models

    The biggest cue for CGI in these pictures are the textures on the bases. That and they are too perfetctly reflective. Mapping some scratches and scuffs and toning down the gloss would help imensely.
  2. cobywan

    Old Models

    A prime example of how the nicest and modt well crafted CG work is still not mistakeable for physical models. Great work!
  3. There is no consistant scale. They are just your average trading figure size. Maybe 2" long. Tops.
  4. Funny you should say that...Wait until episode 3 of the new series.
  5. The Celestra is unchanged from the original show. The Bloackade Runner model didn't show up in the Classic BSG. The schematic design of the ship could be confused with a Corellian Corvette.
  6. I just watched episode 10 and it is freakin' awesome. The show has upped the ante for sci-fi. I thought Farscape and Stargate were good. But this show is...Wow!
  7. If that is a Next Generation reference, ou sir are a genius.
  8. The Hasegawa kit isn't really that heavy. I would put some short 1/32" diameter pins into the plastic mounting pegs.
  9. Any mechanical prototype machine produced part will need cleanup. Lots of it. And hand prototyping will take at least a couple hundred hours of work to do. So the short answer to your question is at least $3000. For a simple form. It really depends on the complexity of the original. For hollow parts...get a slow setting resin and tumble the mold until the resin sets.
  10. cobywan


    put me down for two.
  11. I made mine from sheet styrene rolled into a tube and glued the livinv p!$$ out of it. I glued the tube to a plate and made a lid out of 1/2" polycarbonate sheet. I waxed the lid with Johnsons Paste Wax and gooped silicone caulking onto the lip of the tube and pressed the lid onto it. (Let it dry for a couple of days or more. And don't lift it untill it's dry or you will make the seal not work.) I Bored a hole into the lid to accept a hose connected to a venturi pump that I bought from Harbor Frieght for $14. A vaccuum guage would be nice if you can find one. I can't recommend vaccum casting resins if you don't have a pressure chamber. The vaccuum makes the resin boil it's stinky components and they don't dissolve back unless you pressurize them. But for the rubber you just need to evacuate the chamber long enough for the bubbles to go away.
  12. That's adorable. Does Yamato have plans to make FAST Packs for that line?
  13. You are doing WAY better than I have been.
  14. The engine and super packs are from the same poster that came with the Macross Gold book. The head is from Model Graphics I believe.
  15. How would you use that machine if you can't sculpt? I mean it really is way harder to make a computer model than it is to craft it by hand.
  16. All I see is a big black rectangle.
  17. But to be even more clear; the treaded platform IS going to be available as a stand alone part to compliment the booster and base that I just ordered. Right?
  18. We know where ALL of the looks went in that family.
  19. I get the feeling there is no end. Only Nagano's death will stop FSS from being told. It can go on as long as he does. Which works for me.
  20. If anyone is going to go through the trouble to cast a launch arm, they are likely to make the one as seen in the DYRL movie. The Hasegawa one is just an overworked display base. It doesn't really look like the on seen on screen.
  21. My comment wasn't really directed to you in particular. The recast threads are all over the board right now. I'm just saying we need to be careful about the open discussions. This stuff thrives in the underground world of PM's and E-mail.
  22. Months ago Shawn gave us a courteous request to stop with the recast talk. I am just waiting for the hammer to fall and squash this and other threads.
  23. General Body Protection
  24. I'm here. In Seattle, that is.
  25. I really don't think Hasegawa is going to do the GPB kit. They have a pattern of completely exhausting the potential out of a tool before making a new one. They did every variant of the fighter before they did the Battroids. Once they did the Strike they went on to other things. They would have done it if they were going to.
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