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Everything posted by cobywan

  1. It sucks. I kinda think that they may have over reacted. But the forum was getting to be too much for them to deal with so they may opt out of bringing it back.
  2. Mayby he will go all "Bufflo Bill" from "The Silence of the Lambs" and put a Six skin on his head.
  3. I had a B-wing but sold it. The detail was too soft. The Betty is OK but I can't pay up front knowing that the wait could be up to a year. I already got burned on the RPF forums. The Spider Bugs turned out very nice. And yes the Booster is going to be very dificult for me to fix. I wasn't complaining about the casting by SMT. Just the sharpness of detail and service. And kudo's to Jessie.
  4. The quality isn't worth the wait for me. I am used to Volks and Workshop Cast resin kits. Those are masterpieces. A lot of the pattern work on SMT kits don't hold up under close inspection. They are nowhere as good as the Captain and Mr Nugget. (What's that smell. Oh it's on my nose. Nevermind!)
  5. Or the fact is that the MKII is far more expendable in a suicide mission than the MKVII.
  6. I'll probably be fashioning my own metal ball joints. Or converting some of the more elaborite RC connectors. I have always wanted to make some stop motion armatures.
  7. I'd pay more for both kits I ordered.
  8. I have lots of reference if you want me to scan it for you. I assume that you have the cutaway illustration that was in the TIA Red book. Or is it the Blue one? I have both anyway. They have appeared online though. Let me know what you need if you need anything.
  9. Recasts of the old Arii kit show up on Ebay from time to time.
  10. Put me down for one. Quite frankly I wasn't aware that you guys were taking a tally yet. You really need a new thread for that.
  11. You really should try to get the LV made. That was the only reason I bought the launch rail. You should price it out for a 25 unit run. Or at least get the drawings you have out to someone who will pattern it. If the LV doesn't come out I am going to be very cranky. If it's $500 that is what it has to be. I'll make my own if I have too but it wouldn't match your style.
  12. Actually I will need another one. A total of 2 for Cobywan.
  13. Put me down for one. For now.
  14. No Joke...the next Jaffa guest star is Luis Gosset Jr! And Mitch Pilleggi of X-Files is going to Atlantis.
  15. So Episode III is going to look like a two hour game cut-scene? Most of the images we are getting look really gamey. Kinda lamey. Who's to blamey. For me being insney. In the membraney. OK. Flame me.
  16. It's not as if all of his stuff isn't already avilable as a recast. I think your best bet is to try and buy one from someone who already has one.
  17. I think the Monster should have gone to another caster. SMT is too slow. I understand that they are basically a one-man operation. But they have too much on thier plate if that is true. They are kinda hogging a lot of stuff. I also don't like paying up front for product that hasn't been made yet. The concept of pre-ordering garage kits is a little bit of a streach for me.
  18. That was what my "your joking right?" comment was about. I knew about this movie since summer. I guess my point was taken eventually.
  19. Rob, You price range for the vehicle is what I was expecting. I am still in for the long haul. Once you have the full system patterned I think more people will want one. Put me down for one as well.
  20. These and that awesome cutaway of the fighter are from Model Graphix issue 158 January 1998. It is a must have for seriouse Valkaholics.
  21. And a closeup to show off the lack of detail.
  22. I've been using the beta for Rhino. I have also been trying 3Delight. A free Renderman engine. Here is the Galactica I am doing. I have been trying to get the lighting decent. It is really hard to do in Rhino.
  23. The show isn't good because is shocks you. That is what Howard Stern is for. The show is good because of the character interactions and the quality of the acting in it. You can't spoil a good story. Star Wars wasn't ruined when you found out that Vader was Luke's father. You can still watch it after knowing that.
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