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Everything posted by cobywan

  1. I always liked the Oberth, but you are making it look damn elegant. This is a great project. I'm glad you decided to do it.
  2. I was hooked by the kits at the same time as you. I was on vacation in Pheonix Arizona. There was a hobbyshop in a mall that had this huge pile of Macross kits. I only had $30 and it took be 45 minutes to pick the three that I liked the most. Those three were; 1/72nd scale Armored VF-1J, 1/72nd Destroid Tomahawk, and 1/100th scale Regult. I found out about Robotech from some friends with cable after describing the SDF-1 to them. Then my local hobby shop started carrying them. I have been in very bad finacial shape ever since.
  3. Those are amazing. It's a great time to be a ZentranFan on the boards these days.
  4. That's really nice. Bondo is a brand name for catylized polyester body filler. It's very similar to what you are using. It's similar to calling any facial tissue Kleenex. Or any cola Coke. Just for curiosities sake: where is "here"?
  5. I downloaded a program for my PDA to make it a universal remote. The key is software.
  6. Yeah. You can't paint bondo. What you need to do is make a rubber mold and cast up your parts for paint. Then you need to cast up more for us slobbering resin hounds.
  7. It looks like styrene sheet and bondo filler to me.
  8. Sidearms was my FAVORITE game in highschool. (Yeah I'm old...shadup already)
  9. I'd rather NOT see them waste valuable effort on non-cannon tripe. This is THE SW kit to end all SW kits. Can't wait for that pre-order button to activate.
  10. 45 minutes of BSG took up about 375MB. It looked freakin' awsome too.
  11. I would expect to see another tinkering with the sextology in Hi-def with the bonuses we really want.
  12. I'm not too worried about small mistakes. I can fix them in the casting.
  13. It reminds me of Gaia Gear too. Those were awesome designs too. I agree that this design is sweet.
  14. It's a fan produced series. And it's the reason the Motion Picture Klingon Cruiser in 1/350th scale has been dropped. The designer for the kits was working on this stuff instead of getting drawing in on time.
  15. Nice modeling. And NICE lighting.
  16. Bandai is for babies not model builders. I got a PL enterprise is it ROCKS! It's also 4 times bigger for half the price.
  17. You have a very nice technique going there. Is there anyway we could convince you to do that in a "how to" article? Maybe on a newer kit for giggles? No exaggeration here...that is some of the best painting I've ever seen on those kits. I like it better than arbrush finnish. The texture you got there harkens back to the Takani box art paintings. (Which I love.)
  18. Are we starting a waiting list for these kits? If so I want on it. Guys. This board is really rockin'. There is so much talent here that keeps growing and getting more sophisticated every year. All my favorite projects to watch are on this board. Keep up the great work. I never even knew about that Aerowing kit. And I spend hours on the Spachip modeling boards.
  19. A friend of mine gave me a little baggie full of those. That company was really good about giving samples with orders too. The coolest thing was the magetically reactive oil.
  20. It's all on on bittorrent. Search Torrentspy.com for it.
  21. Imagine if you had ordered one of thier AT-AT's. Those poor sods had to wait over a year. Personally I learned a lot from thier business practices. Don't take money for product you don't have. Down payments are OK but only from people who have already proven thier trust-worthiness. (Is that a word?) I haven't bought anything from them since the Probe Droid came out.
  22. Just a small update on Mini G; http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Images/Ga...alactica005.jpg http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Images/Ga...alactica006.jpg http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Images/Ga...alactica007.jpg http://home.comcast.net/~cobywan/Images/Ga...alactica008.jpg
  23. PS2. Fred Meyer.
  24. I keep seeing it in the discount bins for $14.
  25. cobywan


    You got some SWEET skills.
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