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Everything posted by cobywan

  1. What if one finds them?
  2. I don't think Roslin entirely believes the religous mumbo jumbo. But she does believe it can be used to controll her civilian population. Look at the power that stuff had on our last Presidential election. Bush played the Religous card and it worked. The whole idea behind living "life as usual" is to keep morale up. Don't you see the same mentality in Isreal? Bombings every week and people still spend time at the mall eating icecream. (That every week think only happend for a while.) Human being need to maintain some sort of semblance of thier lives or some serious felgercarb can happen. And, quite fankly, this isn't a war. This is a band of refugees looking to stay alive. If blowing up a Cylon fuel depot is what it takes then they'll do it. But the fleet will be avoiding head on combat, if they can, for the most part. The Cylons may have been driving the fleet towards Kobol the whole time. Leobon could have been sent to send the message that they will find Kobol in order to put some doubts into the minds of the Colonials about thier faith or to just get them off balance in general. There are a lot of ways to interpret what is going on. And I hope they never spell out everything for us either. The talking about it is almost as thrilling as watching the show.
  3. It's only been a few weeks. There was only five days between the miniseries and season one. There was at least one week between the start of episodes 2-04 and 2-05. Also the Galactica was understaffed due to her impending decomissioning before the sneak attack. The virus the Cylons use is able to work because of a section of code implimented in the Colonial OS that was placed there by Six while she was vamping Baltar for access to the Colonial Mainframe. Only computers that didn't get the update were shielded from the Cylon attack.
  4. Could you PLEASE give some support for your point of view here. Nothing you said makes sense to me. Did you actually watch the show or was it just on in the background of your house making noise? You really need to pay attention to the details to get the big picture. I'm not saying your wrong, it's just that the conversations about the show have been pretty enlightening when people explain thier points of view. And that includes the discussions of why people don't like it.
  5. It has been stated from the very begging that there will be no time travel and no aliens.
  6. If you want space battles go back to Star Trek. See how well that kind of story telling did for that franchise? I want the character stories. Not a video game. The only trouble they are having is keeping these stories gripping without geting rediculous. That is a very real danger.
  7. You could consider parting the ARMD so that it is made of flat panels that tongue together. That way you won't need to put the parts in a pressure tank. I found that a slow setting resin is the other trick to getting bubble free castings. I think that you will have your hands full if you do go ahead with the ARMD.
  8. Veerrrrry nice. That's a lot of great work you got there. I'll ask before anyone else does. What next? No, really take a break. You've done a great job here.
  9. Fo $550 you can get a laptop from Dell. Sometimes. I kinda regret getting my PDA.
  10. Maybe it was only announced at the Shizawatzayacalit hobby show. As long as I'm not just imagining the pictures.
  11. Is Hasegawa backing off of the VF-0 with booster/ghost fighter? I don't see it listed on HLJ instock or for future release. Am I imagining that they were going to do that kit? I see the SV-51 with Twin booster is in stock. Please set me straight if I am completely crooked on this.
  12. To be fair; if the Aoshima is accurate to the studio figure, and the NECA is accurate to the studio figure... won't they seem the same? I'm sure they looked at everything that was ever made before going into production.
  13. I know for a fact that Jesse is very busy. So I wouldn't push for it right now. I'm sure he hasn't forgotten about it though.
  14. No joke. Richard Dean Anderson is one of the next "celebrity" voices. How's that for synchronicity?
  15. What ARE you talking about? The new series is re-done from the beginning. We saw the Cylons wipe out humanity. Did you not know about the miniseries? Or are you talking about Galactica 1980? It sounds like you're talking about that.
  16. It'll probably turn out Kobol was settled by Earth emigrants and all our current stuff is thier antiquity.
  17. I whole heartily agree with you.
  18. Hey Coby, I got mine here: BigBadToyStore for $39.99. It is well worth the price. Melissa 316383[/snapback] Thanks. Why do they fill out thier stock with a bunch of sold out stuff. If they don't have Macross stuff why list what they don't have. I just thought that was wierd and a waste of my time searching.
  19. I don't read any of the interactions that way at all. She is just loyal to her boss and really admires him. I don't see a crush there at all. But I probably don't want to see it anyway. SHE'S MINE!
  20. Where are you guys finding them. I've been looking for them for over a month now. I think I'm just going to have to buy blind on Ebay.
  21. I think he was killed for the drama. This episode is addressing real world situations that happen in combat. I think the situation may be more pertinent to Vietnam than Iraq, but war is hell everywhere none the less. Besides, the best way to ensure that a show doesn't get stale to cycle characters in and out. ER has done that to great effect. And what better way to get a character out of a war drama than to kill them.
  22. He was too focused on payback.
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