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Everything posted by cobywan

  1. Yeah those Gundam kits just fall apart. There's no way a model kit will be as sturdy as the action figures were.
  2. HEre ya go; http://p067.ezboard.com/fmatsucorpfrm8.sho...opicID=29.topic
  3. I got the season one version from Matucorp. Very nice. I happened to have a 357 airsoft laying around so I cut it up to fit into the kit parts. It doesn't shoot but the trigger works and it makes a clicking noise.
  4. Michael's craft stores sell a pre wired bundle of fiber optics for $6 in thier floral department. I personaly wouldn't use the light that's in the kit but you can't beat that price for the bundle. I would also check out the dollar stores for lighting stuff. You would be shocked to see what is available.
  5. "Nothing fancy" my a$$! Great job dude.
  6. That $79 one is probably the original series on DVD. That's what it was going for. The Septemper released New Galactica set has more extras AND the miniseries for less than $50 I believe.
  7. There were no ground cars shown at all during the miniseries. It is frustrating as hell to reconize so much stuff in the show. But I'm willing to live with it if it means the show can get made. I understand that they are running on a VERY tight budget.
  8. I don't think you CAN delete files on the Ipod. You just make them available for overwriting. Strange.
  9. Doesn't "drag and drop" work? Do you have Itunes installed? Itunes is pretty good. And I don't usually like Apple stuff. Although Quicktime is cool.
  10. It's one of my all time favorite sci-fi shows. I gotta make a hammerhead though.
  11. I don't think this thread sucks. I love the show. Almost blindly. It's good to get another perspective to think about things in another way. Honestly I'm itchin' for some fights. I really feel like the production is saving money for something really big. I assume the Pegasus story lines are going to be shot heavy.
  12. I feel totally stupid for not coming to this thread untill today.
  13. I've already got boxart. Go ahead and email me at cobywan@comcast.net to get on the list. It is getting pretty long though. You got picks of your first kit? 323094[/snapback] Oh and by the way, what is your avatar mech from? I have really been loving that design ever since you started useing it.
  14. I've already got boxart. Go ahead and email me at cobywan@comcast.net to get on the list. It is getting pretty long though. You got picks of your first kit?
  15. Don´t worry cobywan your two are reserved, take your time. Money sucks if you haven´t got more than you need - I know that very well ! Be glad you ARE paid once a month - I build architectural models as my main job and getting commissions is really hard these days, many Architects need models but their budget is too tight so if I get the job I usually work for much less than it is really worth....frustrating! 322972[/snapback] I'm thrilled to have a steady job doing it. And I am espeacialy happy to be getting overtime this month. But that has been taken by the power company already.
  16. When I first came aboard Macrossworld the message board was very archaic. It was basically formated like a newsgroup. There was an original Club_M Ultimate Valk available for sale on it but the seller wouldn't take less than $1500 for it. I'm glad he didn't take my offer because I was able to get an original for FAR less. I am scared to build the original though. I sometimes consider getting the recast to build. But the garage kit "industry" is hitting us Galactica fans hard so it'll have to wait. Gotta pay for some Oberth's first.
  17. One will void your warranty, one will not.
  18. I'm not flaking out on you I just still need to get the money together. It sucks getting paid once a month.
  19. Alfred Wong is getting his masters back. Gundamhead should ask for his back. It would be a shame if someone started recasting this.
  20. Jesse got the orthogravic renderings from a Zoic guy and I made the blueprints and plotted out the flats for the wings. John did all of the figuring out from there. A LOT of figuring out. That interior really floored me. I had no idea that he was holding back on us for so long.
  21. I miss LEXX.
  22. I wonder if Baltar IS the Imperious Leader. Just a random silly thought.
  23. It's absolutely true. And it's episode 10.
  24. Does anybody know about the straming video talk I've been reading about? It sounds like you may eventually be able to watch video content via the Wi-fi.
  25. What about the x86 emulator that lets you run Windows 95 and Linux? That was sick and disturbed.
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