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Everything posted by cobywan

  1. I would love to get one that has the casting issues from the first run worked out. I'm cool with buying it through StarshipModeler's store.
  2. It looks like the ghost is just longer than the VF-1D nose/torso section. Not there is much to make out in that drawing. But that is closer to what I was imagining.
  3. Dude. She isn't even showing yet. They stopped her miscarriage. Sharron is still pregnant.
  4. No. The machine has been cutting a job the last two weeks. That project is pretty cool. I am cutting a topo model of Yellowstone National Park. The finnished size is 15' by 16'. It will end up with an elaborate fiber-optic pattern. The thing is so huge I have to cut it in 12 panels to fit the machine. Each panel takes 30 hours to cut. I'm just now cutting panel number 7. So it may be a while untill I get some more access to it. It also seems that we finally worked out all the bugs we could find. So I hope to run another test to see if it's really been taken care of. Also I need to start on the big Galactica model I have been planing all year to do. I may be using the router for some of that too.
  5. Now that I look closer, it seems huge for a robot plane. Just a thought.
  6. And we all thank you for that. Take your time. I'll need two.
  7. There was one in Macross Perfect Memory. The color scheme is the traditional Japanese school girls' uniform. They picture of the battroid is a chariacture with a school bag and shy pose.
  8. Again. This; http://anime.net/macross/mecha/united_nati...3000/index.html Is the only concise online accurate information about Macross mecha. Much of what is on the site seems to be translated from Macross Perfect Memory.
  9. You're welcome, I can send you the 600dpi file if you like so you can really see the details. The only stats I know of are in the RPG books but those can be unrealiable. Here's some stats I found: http://www.artemisgames.com/robotech/Aircraft/Ghost.html Some other info as well: http://anime.net/macross/mecha/united_nati...3000/index.html 332035[/snapback] The second list information is from Macross Compendium. They only list the official "cannon" data. So there may be no more info on the plane. If you base the size on the figure standing next to it I suggest you find out what the average hight for a Japanese male is. I know of an engineering model that had to have it's scale figures cut off at the shins because the plant was being built in Hong Kong.
  10. That's assuming replacements are even possible. The molds are probably long gone and there's no way to do a new one.
  11. That's a depressing thought.
  12. Correct. It was stated that the number Six model killed 7 men before being subdued. But maybe having a couple of fully automatic rifles pointed at Sharon's head could controll her actions.
  13. This has been one of the top requested kits on Macrossworld for years. 1/72nd scale please.
  14. The first choice for actress turned the role down. They asked Jane Seymore if she would play the part. She snubbed the role because she hated here part in the original. LAME!!!!!
  15. Ever hear of "Streets of San Francisco"? He did so touch it.
  16. My pair showed up too. Therrrrrrrr Grrrrreat! Thanks guys for doing this. There is so much talent here.
  17. There's always hope they could work Clancy in. He did work on Moore's last show "Carnivale" you know.
  18. Right now I'm thinking that that process would work for a one off 1/18th scale model. I would leave it in natural finnish too.
  19. "Right turn Gaeta"
  20. Booksellers do the same thing. It shows that they are overstock and shouldn't be bought at full price.
  21. There shouldn't be any need for computer work. Just start with acrylic or thick styrene.
  22. yeah, LAME! the yugioh episodes that you can get on your Nintendo gameboy are so much better! with like... magic card battles and stuff! 329828[/snapback] Wait, you mean the GBA that's like $200 cheaper? That GBA? That GBA right there? Seriously, though. I've never seen the draw of the PSP's UMD playback feature, and it astounds me that people willingly buy these things for themselves. Prepping files to play on the PSP off your memory card can't be that difficult, and it saves you tons of battery life to watch them that way. Not to mention I'd rather buy the DVD version and be able to play it in every other DVD player I already own. And is it just me, or are they selling the UMD version of movies for more than the DVD version? 329949[/snapback] The only problem with that is Sony thought ahead and made it impossible to playback video from a card at the same resolution the disk will feed.
  23. Goll monging Loyd Bridges.
  24. That's how I felt too. But it looks like that may be how he makes a living. Who knows. There is something about alluminum that is stuningly beautifull though. I was really thinking that that process would make a very nice Valkrie though.
  25. And it's ALL hand work. No CNC at all.
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