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Everything posted by cobywan

  1. That's looking REALLY sweet.
  2. I've been cutting molds so large I need to use surgical spreaders. Even with them the hand cramps are the worst. I've gotta get a vacuum and pressure tank set up going.
  3. I've been cleaning up parts and I just have to say you out did yourself on this one Capn'.
  4. It's a beauty. I'm taking it to work today to start the cleanup.
  5. I bet a lot of model makers got the itch scratched on the smaller kits. I still haven't got a 1/48th scale Hasegawa. I really want one, but no one here in Seattle has carried them yet.
  6. I prefer the factory fresh version. I can alway make damage. It's harder to fix it.
  7. They did use the resin kit I helped pattern as a reference tool without letting me know. It sure makes a good companion piece to the old Revell Classic Galactica. Oh well. I'll buy it obviously. I didn't see that scan before. Thanks for posting it. I decided a few years ago that I'm not going to be kitting this model. It's not super accurate but it's going to be a great model if it ever gets done.
  8. I've been back on this for a few weeks. Mostly trying to get the paneling done before I get a new job.
  9. Too much information guys.
  10. I can't imagine anything more universally readable than JPG. This is a great way to make PDF's for free. http://www.cutepdf.com/
  11. Guys. One of the reasons for the engrish titles it to keep IP owners from being able to Google this stuff.
  12. 1/32nd huh? Are there already plans in the works? I have a short list of projects and a VF-1 in that scale is at the top of it.
  13. Two for me too.
  14. cobywan

    1/48 VF-1

    I think you just volunteered for the job mate.
  15. I think Hasegawa will do a superb weapons set in styrene. What would be super awesome would be if they make a deck crew set that matches what they've done for real aircraft dioramas. But with Macross equivalents.
  16. Revell invented the name Robotech by the way. HG bought it from them after a time. The first Robotech models were just Dougram repacks.
  17. With the excuse of not liking the policy of our President at the time, none the less.
  18. The first PG Gundam kit is still my favorite.
  19. So Capn'. Do you use that vacuum de-molding technique at all. I saw it on "How things are Made" once for resin figures that you can buy in curio shops and gift stores. The manufacturers clamp a single part mold onto a tube that is larger than the outside of the cylindrically shaped mold. They evacuate the pipe and the mold pulls away from the casting. I've been dying to try it and wanted to know if you have an economical trick you use.
  20. Is that related to lockjaw in any way?
  21. I just hope that someone in Hong Kong bought one...
  22. I found the machine you want. http://www.rjmrp.com/main/index.php?option...4&Itemid=42 http://www.rjmrp.com/main/images/stories/g...tory/100123.jpg I saw some parts done with this that are insanely detailed. Super crisp. And could be used on a model at is. The parts I saw were way better than what I've seen Tamiya doing in their new kits.
  23. I've never had a problem with HLJ and wouldn't hesitate ordering from them again. I just don't like the shipping prices from Japan and the bad exchange rate right now. And I throw out the boxes after tearing them open. I want to play with my toys. And quickly at it.
  24. I've got a PILE of FSS kits to do. I have the Volks Jagd Mirage. It took about 6 weeks for me to clean up the parts. It went back into the box after that...
  25. YES!!!!!!! And I already had every art book at the time too.
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