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Everything posted by cobywan

  1. I really wish they would let it go. My big concern is that they will have to make some big changes to appeal to a world audience. Will most of the Japanese characters become American? If they do go ahead with it they should hire unknown actors with a lot of talent. It would be best for the film that way.
  2. Untill you started dealing with sanding out all the steps. I'm tellin' ya laser cutting is superior.
  3. I just want to get a little laser cutter is all. 347364[/snapback] Damn straight! I would never look at internet porn againg if I had a lasercutter at home.
  4. I'm guessing it's either the Shuttle or the Landram.
  5. Is the larger line a MalWart exlusive too?
  6. There's no scale. The ships are all about 2.5" long.
  7. Hasbro is doing some small ships from Galactica and Stargate in thier Titanium line. They are doing ships from both versions of Galactica.
  8. What soes ICO stand for?
  9. Looks great. I'll take one. But it may be a few weeks untill I can pay. (I get paid once a month at the beginning of the month.)
  10. I think there would need to be some kind of homebrew app for that to work.
  11. I would rather carry two memory sticks. Although a 20G harddrive would make that tempting. But the buk is detracting.
  12. Just so you know the rare earth magnets aren't metal. They are ceramic that is metal plated. If you start to grind them they will chip and flake away. Also getting magnets too hot will kill thier magnetic strength. This buildup is looking sweet!
  13. I think the only holdup, barring WM's busy life, would be potential licening issues. I could imagine HG rearing it's ugly head again.
  14. A Macross model building book by WM Cheng would be great thing to have on the shelf. What do you guys think?
  15. Thank you for actually showing us your rough stage work. It is really informative and I will be keeping your techniques in mind in the future. The fact your Ghost and the M0 Ghost are about the same size is a relief isn't it?
  16. Point 2 makes a clear case for what is inherently wrong with capitalism. It is self destructive if left unchecked. The true cost for cheaper goods is higher than most people want to believe. (Outsourcing and near poverty level workforce.) Malwart even has enough leverage to bully Microsoft around. You know that company in Alien that runs everything? Guess who that's going to be. Point 3. There was a lawsuit brought against Walmart for locking illegal imagrants from Easter Europe in some of thier stores to do cleanup for $2 an hour or something equally rediculous. I don't shop at Walmart because they're not worth going out of my way to find in Seattle and the one in my small hometown is really gross. The building the employees and the shoppers give me the willies.
  17. Depends on how big of a scanner you can get access to. I agree that a scanner would be better. But a professional digital camera with a long zoom can do the trick too.
  18. OK. I've got two things to say to you. One: I wouldn't mind at all pre-paying or doing a down payment for a Ghost fighter kit for you to use as materials funds. I am sure you could get a few others to do that as well. Two: Your painting is incredible. I think you should consider selling posters of it. I would love to get one. And I am sure others here would too. Your prep work is looking great.
  19. OK. I'm thinking about just the base station. My understanding is that you can set it up for the internet and watch your cable and dvds from the airport or Starbucks hotspots with either your laptop or PSP. The Base station alone looked like it was $400.
  20. That doen't fit with what I looked up. It's a device that looks like a cable modem and costs about $400. I want to know how you change channels with it. Is there some kind of IR device or does it have a built in tuner like a cable box? We gotsta know.
  21. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getart...n20050518f2.htm
  22. right on. I'm glad Sony is taking this stance with people who try to break the law with their PSP. stealing software hurts everyone, including law abiding consumers. 336066[/snapback] What law is broken when someone creates thier own games for play on PSP. You know there were many legal uses for Hombrew. Sony is shooting themselves in the foot by hobbling us like this. 336070[/snapback] right... how many people are using the loop holes to make their own games? please... the VAST majority of people are using it to copy and play games that they don't want to pay money for. how big of a market do you think that is? Worth giving tech support to everybody who wants to pull their PSP apart? Worth all the lost revenue from software piracy? 336078[/snapback] Could you imagine the frustration people would have if the same train of thought was applied to internet services. They'd have to kill it to stop the piracy. By the way I was playing Hombrew games like Igo and... Igo. This argument is pointless. Pitrates are always able to get around these measures.
  23. The kit is as thin as it can be already. You should look at WM Cheng's buildup in the model building forum. Found it http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=11976
  24. right on. I'm glad Sony is taking this stance with people who try to break the law with their PSP. stealing software hurts everyone, including law abiding consumers. 336066[/snapback] What law is broken when someone creates thier own games for play on PSP. You know there were many legal uses for Hombrew. Sony is shooting themselves in the foot by hobbling us like this.
  25. PLEASE let that become box art. I'm sure there are some graphics guys here that would love to make the box look like the classic Arii and Imai boxes.
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