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Everything posted by cobywan

  1. All the closeup photos make it look like it's made of sand. The panneling is all FUBAR. I would have bought it if it was nicer.
  2. It takes a standard HDMI cable.
  3. No...VERY sad. They used the series mesh to "grow" the pattern. What the heck did they do to it to get it that nasty?
  4. That's exacltly what the final product looks like.
  5. In my can't keep the thought of Andy Kaufman out of my head. This could just as easily be a stunt like the wrestling days of Andy in the early 80's.
  6. Yeah. I mean look what happened with the toy line when Star Wars was over...
  7. I'd rather have a Macross 13 from VF-X2. But I was thinking a Macross 7 would be cool too.
  8. The old New Dr Who is on PBS. (Season 1) I love the DM avatar.
  9. One of these things doesn't belong... Dr Who is a BRITTISH production. Talk to BBC about it. Skiffy only shows it out of convenience.
  10. It may never come out if they can't get it out of the warehouse before thier current license expires. They aren't renewing it in 2008.
  11. The cost of plastic is insignificant to the cost of the tooling for these kinds of toys. If the units sold aren't in the 100,000's then a bigger chunk of the mold cost is applied to each unit manufactured.
  12. I'm all for the swappable option.
  13. My only concern when I bought the 20G model was the lack of remote play with my PSP because of the lack of the internal Wi-Fi module. The last firmware update made it work through my network infrastructure.
  14. Here's a small update to my Nu Galactica Model Blog. I'm still playing catch-up there but there is some new info. (The panel test was done back in September but I never posted my results.) http://nugalactica.blogspot.com/
  15. You can sub out the casting to Federation Models. They have a rotocaster so the parts would be hollow. Nice likeness by the way.
  16. There's nothing wrong with my PS3.
  17. That Transformers trailer was quite nice. On the Folding@Home front QJ had this news to report; http://ps3.qj.net/PS3-triples-Folding-Home...pg/49/aid/87166
  18. Looks like PS3 is dead. Sony got the Horse out of the barn. Now they are going to start training the beast.
  19. You will still have backward compatability dude. The PS3 is strong enough to do it all in software rather than with the old PS2 chip. And frankly I wish they droped the 20G model from the US too. I couldn't find one when I had the money. I ended up spending anouther $50 just for an ethernet cable long enough to reach my wi-fi router. (It's plugged into the back.) I imagine the price difference has something to do with average exchange rates. (That's a wild guess though.) The truth is Sony craps on all of us equally.
  20. You really should consider not watching the show anymore.
  21. Read my post a few spot up. It's very addictive. I just wish I had an HDMI swithcer and some extra cables.
  22. flOw is a really nice game. It's very hypnotic.
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