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Everything posted by cobywan

  1. Yes. Nothings the same on either. Not one bit.
  2. If game companies can't develop for the PS3, I would doubt that some bored teenager will be able to make a virus for the PS3.
  3. Networking is almost a black art from my meager experience. I hate attatching a new computer to the system at work.
  4. 22.5" long; http://home.comcast.net/~mfactory/Biggie_G/Bow_ridge_01.jpg http://home.comcast.net/~mfactory/Biggie_G...SknsAsy_003.jpg http://home.comcast.net/~mfactory/Biggie_G...ne_plate_02.jpg http://home.comcast.net/~mfactory/Biggie_G/Hull_T07.jpg More here: http://nugalactica.blogspot.com/ At this scale the vipers would be about 3mm long.
  5. I think they're pandering to the complaints about price. If people want it cheaper their gonna get less of a machine. They definately should never have removed the Emotion Engine.
  6. Gears of War sucks. I couldn't stand trying to play it. The only tempting games for me were Lost Planet and Chrome Hounds. The former is available for PC and the latter isn't that good from what I hear. The PS2 isn't obsulete. Just like DVD. Nobody NEEDS any of this high tech garbage.
  7. The IMAI kits that Bandai re-released are my all time favorite kit. Period. I must have built 6 of them as kid.
  8. The theory of the stripped armor came from an article that wasn't based off of studio input. It never had armor removed.
  9. Did you notice that her Viper is pristine white and that her voice did not sound like it was coming over the wireless?
  10. Thanks Dobber. I just didn't have the energy to list that stuff. My big Galactica is WAAAAAY far away at this point. The Blog is totally up to date on that project.
  11. I don't think they fund those. They just air straight to dvd garbage as tv movies. That's what I think anyway.
  12. The reason it's buried is because that image is just one of the standard CG promo shots. I don't think they have a prototype done yet.
  13. Cylons http://www.cylon.org/bsg/2003-art-05.html
  14. Thier service is superb and the kit is great. The ONLY drawback is the landing gear is resin instead of metal. They will need some kind of pin run through them. But the photo etch IS metal.
  15. 1/6th scale figures are 12". I think the previous poster said he didn't like those big figures. Too bad. The 13" Centurion is suhWEEEET!
  16. Precocious means being advanced beyond your years. Like Dakota Fanning. The work you're looking for it pretentious. Which means to create the airs of importance where there really might not be any. Sort of like needing to point out error of using the word "precocious".
  17. Magazines seem like a waste of money and only provide old information when the Intertubes gives us info feeds in real time. I read QJ.net constantly.
  18. My first posting on Macross World was waaaaaaay back in the archane days of the forum. I was responding to a posting by a person who had an original kit. He wouldn't go for less than $1500 for it. I even offerd $800 or $900 for it. I eventually got one for $500 from some people here who scoured Japan for Macross collectibles and shipped them to the stated through Shawn. Those were the days. Actually I still have an outstanding order for some books I asked for. Whatever happened with that? I was waiting for a total to pay.
  19. You're not going to get in trouble here for building a recast of this model. The team that got recast it first formed here. If you got the one with metal gear then that was the one from these guys. I own an original that I don't have the heart to put together. So I bought a recast one too.
  20. A friend of mine pointed out that Revel's new owners have a suggestion page. So if anyone is interested in any model kits from the new Galactica series I would suggest writing them. It's stupid easy to fill out too. http://www.hobbico.com/suggestion.html Ertl wasn't deaf to the Trek fans that wanted more kits back in the early '90s. (There were plans in the works before Hobbico bought Revel. Maybe we can get them to change thier minds on slamming the door on the new series license.)
  21. Put me down as interested.
  22. Jsut be ready to wait a looooooong time. They have so many items in production and thier resources for castings are tight.
  23. Lair is the number one game I've been waiting for. Armored Core 4 was another.
  24. They're ALL great kits. Are you a fan of the game? If not then the naming convention would seem hard to follow.
  25. And it works on Componenet out as well. I think it's 1080P that has to go through HDMI on all players. I think.
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