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Everything posted by cobywan

  1. I can see you making several kit's off of this. Maybe a Hikaru Pilot figure could be done in the future too. This project really has me excited. This is a really awesome model. I had no idea there was this much modeling going on outside the "model" section of the board. (Stupid me I guess. )
  2. I was trying to be nice about it.
  3. It sounds like a one-off kind of project to me really.
  4. I have to think that because these are space only, landing gear wouldn't exist on them. I imagine that they are hung from racks like Tie-Fighters in Star Wars. At the most they may have some kind of extending slabs that can be magnetized for storage and maintanance.
  5. I have to make changes. I "retired" the first version. I'v got a few ideas running through my head for it.
  6. Works for me.
  7. I haven't seen on in a long time. That build up looks great.
  8. When I was doing this the first time, I was asked to do a cockpit. At the time I was adamant about sticking only to what was seen in line art and in the animation. That wasn't very much... I have since been enjoying John's interperetations of the Tactical Pods and Destroids. So for me the cockpit will be the biggest challenge. (Mainly in design not execution.) It would add to the final cost in the end though. And I would really have to consider what to do with the glazing.
  9. The Lancer is manned. The price might be about $65-$85. Not sure. Definately less than $165.
  10. That would be a cool idea... I only just now poped my head into this section of the board. This is one of the coolest projects on the enitre board. These will be sold through Hobbyfan right?
  11. So should I do a version 1.5 of my Lancer II kit? I'm thinking that I should update the detailing to Capn' America's style. I could invent a cockpit as well.
  12. LIE! Have you looked at the Hardgraph line of 1/35th scale Gundam ground subjects? They are nearly on par with Tamiya. They can do it if the want to.
  13. This was NEVER true. Video tapes, audio cassettes, CD's and DVD's were license purchases. The labels owned what was on the media. Not the "buyer". The difference now is that digital copies can be identical to the originals. This is what made the studios nervous in the early nineties when cd burners came out. And when DVD ripping software came out the movie studios were sueing the poor Nordic kid who wrote the program. The studios need to get innovative with thier licensing structure. And start making compelling media while thier at it. I never rip off a great band. But I will never pay for the popcorn garbage that plays on the radio.
  14. You'll be waiting forever mate.
  15. The film grain in Galactica is added in post. The series is shot with HD digital cameras. The Miniseries video quality isn't quite as nice as the rest of the seasons.
  16. I don't like the Microsoft culture that comes with Xbox. Most of the fans are pretty much like the dick jocks in highschool. The MS campus is very much like that. What MS is doing in with the HD format war and thier screw up with Vista is making me very anti-MS. I have a close friend who works for them who owns a Mac. So he can't be all bad.
  17. Just make the helmet addition for Kamjin in his Glaug and do another run.
  18. It's confirmed over at QJ.net that PS3 will be getting DivX support in a future firmware update. Yay! I can stop tryin to convert my videos to MP4.
  19. I'm in for one.
  20. The short answer is a messed up loans situation with housing. Then there's the trade defecit. And the ever expanding number of wars. But the Regults are super cool. I'm happy that the Canadian economy is doing so well.
  21. I believe that Resistance was a 720p production.
  22. It's probably to take the edge off of the long wait for the second half if, indeed, they wait to show it in 2009.
  23. That's not why. They always release a DVD set a few weeks before the new season. It's a lame maketing ploy.
  24. If the hobby contests and store shelves here are any indication, robots are more popular here than in the UK. I've been ALL over the Armored Core model kits.
  25. As long as the drive isn't NTFS you are good to go as is. It's plug and play. I've got a 1/4TB drive from WD for my Videos. Each episode of BSG in HD is about 640MB. (The file seems low to me. I wonder if my compression settings are too high.)
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