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Everything posted by Bub

  1. Kinda OT but I think people's views on VF-0 compared with the VF-1 (which being advanced and "advanced looking") may actually change if we see a VF-1 in future Macross Zero episodes.
  2. I don't know If I broke them but this is what happend with my 1/48s: wheels of the nose gear detached one the gear lights detached from the rear gear doors a plate on the wing detatched ............ .................. Come to think of it, I didn't break any. They just mysteriously detached.
  3. Bub

    VF-X 2

    I failed to read the description of this thread: "Rookie In training" WHAT?..... Rookie in training and you're already playing the game in maniac? You really are a maniac, huh? <_< (jokes again)
  4. The preview site still has no updates. August is going and we only have the flash movie. <_
  5. B) puts on his sunglassess so no one'll recognize as he whispers: My PC is a PIII 500MHz. ssshhhhhhhhhhhh....... (embarassed)
  6. Yeah Prime, finish the damn game will ya? (j/k)
  7. Bub

    VF-X 2

    Boy, you guys are maniacs for playing it in maniac. (joke) That's funny. I never played any game in hard mode. Always in normal or easy. I guess I'm not a real gamer. BTW. Do you guys think that the two endings are worth it? I only finished the game using an emulator. Because my PS1 did't work anymore. <_<
  8. Oh yeah she is fine..................... ............... She's hot too.
  9. Because I love the GBP armor! It is so.... beautiful! Will.... own.... set.... one..... day. Probably by sniping a set on eBay! Why snipe in E-bay? When Bandai and Yamato will make for us. Right Bandai? Right Yamato?
  10. Oh. About my prized possession from my collection. It would have to be the Bandai 1/55 Strike Hikaru IF I have one. (I wish). And since there is a slim chance of me owning one. I choose the upcoming Yamato 1/48 Hikaru VF-1S (in the future). Right now it would be my 1/48's.
  11. VF-1J I mean Hikaru's.
  12. Wow you have the complete set. I only have 1. By the way, interesting MW name you got. I wonder why you chose that name..... Hmmm.?..
  13. You will get yourself a Hikaru 1S. You will get yourself a Hikaru 1S. You will get yourself a Hikaru 1S ALL MONEY ARE BELONGS TO YAMATO......!
  14. Because the armor fits very well with the VF-1J. <_
  15. The length would be more thana forearm. ......I think.
  16. 1/72=0 1/60=1 1/48=6 small collection.
  17. How big would a 1/48 YF-19 be? ..............HUOOOOOOOOOOH Boy. That would fill up the whole table where my keyboard rests.
  18. A "first" in the low viz valk is that its nose gear doors do not have the tabs. This time you can open the nose gear doors with ease. This may or may not be a plus reason to get yourself a "bulky lee" for the reason that the doors might become loose and open on its own when in GERWALK mode.
  19. I still wish that we see a VF-1 in Macross Zero even if it's not the low viz version that Yamato brought to us. Anyway, for those concerned about not getting their low viz due to it being limited, maybe you should act now. There were only a few left in Singapore when I visited some of the shops. They were selling them for around SGD200-220. But keep in mind that QC issues may still exist. Review this thread from the MW Archives: (click me)
  20. C. With GBP-1S armor - Ultimate combination! Worth every penny. Same as drifand's. No GBP, no nothing. It's either nakeed or with the armor. LIKE in the TV Series. But if Yamato releases it bundled with the fast pack, the price of the toy should be lesser than getting a 1/48 valk and a separate fast pack. B)
  21. BTW, Good work on the episode guide.
  22. I watched a few of the episodes and I must say I'm loving it. Kinda reminds me of the Cowboy Bebop Series which some episodes are stand alone but still follows a series time line. BTW, anyone heard about the upcoming GITS II movie?
  23. Anyone know why Harmony Gold isn't runing after Manga for releasing Macross Plus in the US where there is a VF-1 appearance? I thought Harmony Gold claims anything derivative from the Original Series.
  24. But if this is true. Why are there still Videos/DVDs of Macross Plus by Manga? I recall a cameo apearance of the VF-1 in this OAV. Or is Harmony Gold just too chicken to point that out? I really wish to see a VF-1 (even if it isn't the low viz) in Macross Zero. VF-1 apeared in other series like Macross7 and Macross Plus. I really expect to see this one in Macross Zero as well. Imagine how it would move mechanically in CG animation! SWEET!!
  25. I agree. Great game. But I think of it as a glorified version of the NES Macross Game. Which I also enjoyed during its time. simple but ROCKS! 2D side scolling game for me would be the Arcade Game.
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