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Everything posted by Bub

  1. Bub

    1/48 Line

    Yeah! Gimme my 1/48 VE and VT! (Seeing the just released 1/60 VE and VT)
  2. Bub

    Macross Figures

  3. I guess custom 1/60 is all that we'll be seeing in a couple of months.
  4. Bub

    I got them today....

    I'm still with my 1/48's and'll wait for the 1/48 VE and VT versions... "Resistance is futile!" What the? It's that voice again!
  5. Bub

    I got them today....

    Wah! Great pix, vt102!
  6. Bub

    I got them today....

    "We are Yamato. ALL YOUR MONEY ARE BELONGS TO US!" Huh?! Where'd that voice come from?
  7. Rapid Culture, I think, still has 1/48 Max for the best price! You also might like to check out this thread: (click me)
  8. This is just the begining........
  9. OT: Have you watched Samurai Deeper Kyo? I've watched only the first 3 episodes and still going nowhere. Too many characters introduced in just three eps. Hey areaseven. How about sharing a list of your recomended anime titles to us?
  10. Hope fully they will. They're the same guys that brought to us aerowings / aero elite that is more flight simulator than an arcade shooter. I REALLY REALLY wish there's a COCKPIT VIEW.
  11. Bub

    1/48 improvement ideas

    1) Nose gear be perpendicular to the ground when extended (Fighter mode with out fast packs) or, better still, extended more to avoid the tendencies of retracting when rolling. 2) Reinforce the hinge clip that clips on the top part of the back pack.
  12. The VF-1A Low Visibility Valkyrie!
  13. Ugh one of the greatest metal singers of all time, Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden) being compared with one of the worst anime characters/singers of all time, Basara. kill me Iron Maiden Rulz! Basara is cool also. He's an artist that's why he's eccentric... A little too..
  14. "FIXT" AHHhhhh. Not Funny. <_< <_< <_<
  15. I guess we just have to wait and see. Only about a week or so now to go. Yamato have told me it is safe to use the clip, but I don't believe them Don't forget, the 1/48 FAST packs are going to come with that optional extrawhite plastic part, which attaches behind the back hatch. Yamato say that this is a dual function part. Firstly, it adds a bit of extra detail to that area and secondly, it is supposed to add a bit of reinforcement. However, that part can only be used in Battroid mode and has to be removed for transformation to Fighter or Gerwalk. Graham Whooooooooooooooooooooooo Boy. Yamato Better Do something about reinforcing this "clip" on the upcoming valks Hikaru VF-1J and most especially the Hikaru VF-1S before releasing them. Graham, Please inform Yamato about reinforcing the hinge clip in the future valks IF we get reports of it breaking when the Fast Packs are installed. ...Still, we'll just have to wait and see. But it's ALWAYS better to tell Yamato VERY EARLY so that they can do something about it ASAP................... Even if the next 1/48 valk is planned for an October Release.
  16. Bub

    1/48 Line

    My vote goes to the GBP Armor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Bub

    Macross Figures

    What's the switch on the back of the Minmay doll for? Graham Decoration only! Just a molded on piece of plastic. I suppose it is to make it more of a clone of the one we see in Macross. Although I really wish the switch would have allowed you to play a tune from DYRL? or the TV series...That would have been really cool! ..I will take some pics of it later and post them on this thread! These little things are terrifc though! I love the chase figure but I wish it had replaced something in the set other than my regular hair Hikaru! Oh well, I should be happy that I was able to get a set! Can't wait for series two! .......................................................................................... And to Toonz and MD...D'oh! ..That is NOT what I meant! Heh! Melissa 1/1 Mylene?
  18. Bub

    VF-X 2

    I played the game in both Easy and Normal. In any game, I consider that training. I always try to finish every game i play on the hardest mode, that what makes the game last longer and more challenging for me. I love a challenge!!! So I guess you're not a rookie after all.
  19. Bub

    VF-X 2

    OK there's an updated epsxe! I'll try and see if you can see the ending of VFX2 time.
  20. Bub

    VF-X 2

    Emulator? Is it a good one? Can you direct me to where i can download it please? Epsxe is the emulator I use. WARNING: Don't expect to see any of the endings if you use this emulator in playing VFX2. You'll only see a black screen. Here the link anyway: (click me)
  21. You guys haven't tried Snes9x? This is the emulator I use. Easy to use and I think is the best out there. Try it.
  22. Bub

    Macross Figures

    Did you order online? Or reserved at a local store? I've been looking for those CM's figures all over Singapore. And it seems that none of the store owners down there ever heard of such figures........ All they show me were the Sharpeners. <_<
  23. Already have a copy of the game for the PS2.
  24. That's the picture I was talking about!
  25. Pervert. <_< About Macross7, it has its own flavor. It's a like carnival ride. Macross Plus tend to be on the serious side. SDF Series is a Soap Opera. But Macross7, like other Macross Series, still has the Macross formula: Fighters that tranform into robots Music / Singers Love triangle And yeah, I love Macross7.
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