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Everything posted by Bub

  1. Whew. It's a good thing that was cleared. Almost believed that the FPs are having problems. Whew. B)
  2. Macross Zero for me!!!!!!! I really wish that the Macross Zero toys debut in the 1/48 scale.
  3. My eyes are deceiving me? Is there no Part "A" and part "B" in the transformation?
  4. If I haven't mistaken, I've seen keychain versions of that.
  5. Hmmmmm...... I believe so, too. I think that is the MPC Glaug.
  6. Whew. What a long absence. Need to catch up on the news. So many things going this October. VF-1S Strike Hikaru, This game, some action figure releases.
  7. Well you should. Check out some screen caps of some of the psx games in this thread: (click me) Enjoy!!
  8. YAMATO: "Resistance is futile......... All your............" What the. Where did that voice come from?
  9. Bub

    Stuff Doll Valk

  10. In the Macross Movie Do you Remember Love?. Watch it if yo still haven't.
  11. Bub


    Is there an option? : I like em both. color them. Anyway, like most people said, the 1st one has better hair. If Vostok 7 has his fetishes.... You might guess what's mine.
  12. Bub


    Same thought.
  13. Simply put, Manga Video just got the rights to Macross Plus directly from Big West and HG can't do anything about it. The "excuse" made by HG is a red herring, saying that Saban hired off HG's staff off. In fact, Saban was already well established back in 1985, with "Macron 1" (a spliced anime of GoShogun and Strungle) and they already have some staffers/voice actors work on Saban time to time since that point. I can answer to that because I own the Macross II RPG books, in which they are the first official Macross-related RPG product. B) All of the books have Big West and US Renditions on the copyright notice and US Renditions logo on the back on some of the sourcebooks. The Siembiedas stated that they got their license through US Rendtions and Big West, though they didn't update to have Manga's name back in 1994-1995 when they were still in print. Also, Harmony Gold didn't do anything to stop it nor crosspromote it with the Robotech RPG. Hell, Kevin Siembieda stated (Macross II RPG book, pages 5-6) on the introduction that Macross II should be treated as a Macross-only work and not to be confused with Robotech. He even delve into the history and license rights on who owns Macross-related animation. Also, he said he pursued the license because he was a mecha anime fan, hence he got the RPG licenses to Robotech and Macross II. Aside from using all of the Macross II source material for the RPG and can't expand it, Palladium Books can't get the licenses to Macross-only stuff because Big West is asking too much on the license fee and PB can't pursue this at this time. If this is the hole HG can't cover, I hope someone just get a lisence directly from BW. Maybe Manga can release M7 series in DVD, eh? .......So I guess Tokyopop won't have any problems getting the M7 trash.
  14. If I'm gonna see an HG logo instead BW's in Tokyopops' release of M7, then I think BW should pull the plug. Edit: spelling.
  15. Uh, I asked at SDCC if HG's name is on TokyoPop's Macross 7 Trash. They said, yes. Yeck. <_< Like "Macross series" (NOT robo#$%) in DVD by Animeigo with an HG logo. <_<
  16. It is not same for me also. It's like Animeigo releasing the Macross DVD with Harmony Gold Logo, WTF?! Anyway, going back to the game, I'm sure many of you already heard me saying: "Where's the damn Cockpit View?"
  17. No kidding, doesn't that make all the difference!!! Thanks for the link. I still don't see the game in COCKPIT MODE though.
  18. Have you tried being Minmay or Misa? I really want to see a very good Misa Cosplayer. Anyway, there are more Mylene figure pictures in this thread: (click me)
  19. About the opening songs. I think I remember the tune but I don't know Filipinos composed it. I think Hayao is Harry, I heard to a fellow Flip bro. Anyway, check out this site that I've booked marked: (click me)
  20. I voted for "I like ALL of the Macross Soundtracks". But Macross Zero sounds really promising. Couldn't get Sarah's song out of my head.
  21. Oh yeah. It was better than what HG had to offer. And it was shown in RPN-9. (Funny, I thought I actually e-mailed the webmaster of the station' s official website regarding the episodes. But no reply )
  22. few hours late.
  23. Yeah! Positive thinking! The VF-1S will have all the improvements like in the nose cone and the flaps. Plus, the 90 degree elbow bends and the no-tab ni the nose gear doors (not sure if this is an improvement). But this will give us something to think about... Read on: When Yamato released the VF-1D for the 1/60 line-up which has the "L-shaped grove/trench" for its gundpod. In other words, it has primitive arms even if yamato ALREADY MADE the collapsible 1/60 gunpod. We hope that Yamato will not release the VF-1S Hikaru with "primitive flaps" and "primitive nose cones". I'm keeping my cool here but we all know it's the same company....................... Or maybe I just being paranoid. OK. I'll just spell it out to be clear: PLEASE YAMATO! Please release the VF-1S Hikaru with the flaps and nose cone IMPROVEMENTS!!
  24. OK...?
  25. Whew. Finally. Was able to watch the slide shows. Most were taken from the pictu........... Huh?.. Those weren't slide shows? ............ Well.... Ah.. Gotta go........... Later.
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