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Everything posted by Bub

  1. Wah!!
  2. WOW!! Good luck on this project! Keep us posted.
  3. the plastic is pretty flexible as long as your don't yank or twist it hard you should be fine. Sounds scary. Still don't have mine though.
  4. I feel bad for you. Good Luck in your quest. Share any highlights of the pusuit for future reference should anything similar happen to anyone of us.
  5. Thanks for the pics Graham! And Happy Birthday!!
  6. Bub


    The VE?............ Yech. I hate it. Nah. Just kidding. I don't hate it; but I also don't like/love it. For me, it's just like any other valk, and is definitely not on my "favorites" list.
  7. Many of us used to play VO online. I tried hosting once but my connection speed is just fair. Quadrono usually hosts the games; she even had a sort of FAQ / step by step instructions on how to connect to her game. If only we could access the MW archives again. Anyway, let me know if there's anyone hosting!
  8. Gone for a couple of days. Nice to here some fresh news. Where are the pix?
  9. Oh yes they do! They just don't get enough attention. Must be the upcoming VF-1S Hikaru and the PS2 Game.... And the very far away release of the 1/60 GBP.
  10. Wah! Nice Art!
  11. BTW, Thanks for the pictures! Post somemore pix or links if you ever come across new ones.
  12. Was able to watch the movies, finally. The game looks GREAT. But what I've been whining about ever since, regarding this game, is that I don't see a COCKPIT VIEW, and its looks like there really won't be. Great frame rate. Great graphics. Great selection of Valks and SDF Arms. But no Cockpit View. AM2 brought us the "Aero" series with cockpit view. I'm a little dissapointed that this one doesn't have it.
  13. I think I heard that an online store already has them for pre-order or sumthing... Just look around. I also like to know how many are there.
  14. Really cute! An instant classic.
  15. Bub

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Yes. That picture gets love if you tell me where the rest of them are. Ok. Disregard. Some of the pics I was trying to enlarge were giving the "error something or something" message.
  16. Bub

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Yes. That picture gets love if you tell me where the rest of them are.
  17. Bub

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Hey there. Any news from your partner?
  18. Bub

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    WHAT a RECORD! This thread has got to be the FASTEST GROWING THREAD! Now.... Let me start reading from page 1................................................
  19. Wah! Thanks for the pix.
  20. Bub

    Gashapon mission 3??

    "Include Regults" That's what I wanna know a local shop is selling the Mission 2 Set. Only 6 pieces. 4 battaoids. 2 fighters. No regults! I also check in an online auction, 6 pieces; no regults. Whats up with that? Anyone?
  21. Yep. Too many release dates...
  22. Eh?? I always thought that this was a cool game that I have never played. Only saw a few screen shots.
  23. Minmay Guard. But a the Angel Bird is not bad either. If we're talking limited here... No I don't want a limited GBP. I want them produced millions. That's a little over the top.
  24. Voted for the Cannon Fodder.
  25. What I do is I pull the leg away from the fuselage a little, then I swing it.
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