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Everything posted by Bub

  1. Bub

    MW toy section updates

    Banpresto or Doyusha? I'm waiting for the Yamato VF-1S Hikaru Review. ......With Pictures!!
  2. Bub

    Hikaru VF-1S

    Gozer: Are you a god? Ray: .......No..? Gozer: Then...................... Gap gap. I sure hope Graham's review on the Hikaru VF-1s is on its way. Pictures please.
  3. Whaa!! *jaw still on the floor*
  4. Can't get enough of them valk girls!
  5. Bub

    new valkgirls

    WOW. I haven't been in Fan Works forum. I've been missing alot. Mechmaster, you are a master!
  6. WOW! Thanks for the commercials! It seems like I can smell them.
  7. Sci-Fi!
  8. Still, VF-1S Hikaru for me. Still need to get me this. OT: Also, if Bandai decides to reissue the Hikaru strike, I wont be complaining. I think this is the best time for Bandai to release Hikaru Strike. On time for the 20th anniverasy of DYRL?!!! So, if there are any Bandai Representative Lurkers around, tip your Bosses.
  9. Wha!! Kawaii!
  10. Bub

    Hikaru 1S Review

    As usual... You guys sure? <_< Nah. Just kidding. C'mon Graham, we're talking about the VF-1S Hikaru here. Give it some lovin by making a Review.......... With pictures!
  11. Man, I wish we get to see the VF-1A Low Vis in Macross Zero!!
  12. Yeah........ I know....
  13. But I bought separate fast pack sets already hmmm..what to buy tsk tsk You can put one FAST pack for the VF-1A Kakizaki (DYRL?). ...........Kakizaki? ....................dum dum dum dum..
  14. 3?!!! Whaa! Anyway, welcome EyE CaNdY. Now let's see who's gonna yell at you first..... <_<
  15. Very Sharp pair of eyes you got there.
  16. Mr. Clean eh? I wonder if we have something the same in this side of the world.
  17. In other words, our Valks are DOOMED from the begining. ...... <_< Wait a minute. Why am I smiling? "doomed from the begining"? That's not funny. <_<
  18. Bub

    Hikaru 1S Review

    Its all in the pose Strike a Pose..............Vogue I agree. Hey Noel, looking at your pix, it seems like the speed break not loose. Is it true? BTW, thanks for the pix, TM and Noel!
  19. Bub

    Hikaru 1S Review

    Oh YEAH! ... But in the picture of the Hikaru and Max pilots, Hikaru's helmet visor looks dirty. Any comments?
  20. Cant Wait!!!!!
  21. It's not like no one wants them. Many people just prefer other Valks. I like the VF-11 but I'm voting for the VF-1.
  22. Bub

    Hikaru 1S Review

    "Brand new improved pilot sculpt made of the same rubber type material as the Low Vis pilot." That is refreshing!
  23. Bub

    1:48 VF-1J

    Fast Packs. But it would be better to have bundled it with the GBP. Because the VF-1J Hikaru never wore the Fast Packs in the series.
  24. Nice change. A little distinction from the VF-1A Hikaru. Besides, when Hikaru took the VF-1S, Both Roy and Kakizaki had passed away and Max is in Meltrandi ship, Making him the only skull squad survivor. Doesn't make any sense, I'm just looking at it with parallel reasoning. Still, the box on its own looks nice.
  25. VF-1A Brownie for me simply because That's what I see in the series... plenty of of times.
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