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Everything posted by Bub

  1. The dub released by ADV would have been ok for me if they just pronounce “Macross” properly. Accent on the first syllable instead of on the second. But I’m still thankful for this release because my kids were introduced to the original story of Macross with this DVD set. I always step in saying “Macross” properly everytime a character from the DVD would mention that word. Ugh!
  2. The compendium is back!
  3. Not really a pose. Just chillin at the hangar...
  4. All hail Arcadia!
  5. Mmm... after reading your post, for me, this is what might happen in the future: Big West will just allow HG’s live action movie to be shown in Japan and get it over with while they release all Macross products (videos, movies, music, toys and games) post 1987 to the whole world. Big West DOES NOT have to release Macross TV and Macross Movie DYRL? to the world via HG licensing if they don’t want to. I mean, they still get all the profit out of all their SDFM and DYRL? products anyway because of proxies and such. Meanwhile, Plus, 7, Zero, Frontier and Delta will act like advertisements promoting the Real SDFM and DYRL? making the rest of the world thirsty for the real deal. Raising demand for Macross TV and Macross Movie products should prompt Bandai, Arcadia etc. to pump up their production. I can see it now. Super Dimension Fortress Macross TV series bluray 40th anniversary release with English Subtitles “for Japanese people who want to learn the english language” and Macross Movie “Do You Remember Love?” 40th anniversary release with English Subtitles “for Japanese people who want to learn the english language”.
  6. https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10711959 https://www.plazajapan.com/4905083057230/
  7. Aside from the pilot, they only need to replace the name in the canopy.
  8. On the topic of VF-X, can you see one here in this pic?
  9. Everyone does, but their Premium Finish should only be with all the TAMPO MARKS ONLY. And NOT, I repeat, NOT the panel lining or weathering just so i will be consistent with the their other DYRL? PF releases.
  10. Bub

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Agreed, the’ve been doing this for a long time. The Bandai 1/55 VE-1 goes for how much nowadays? Yamato reissued the VE-1 with option parts a long time ago, and Arcadia gave it the Premium Finish treatment... When EVERYONE CLEARLY KNOWS (my opinion) that everyone one wants a VT-1 reissued by Arcadia... Preferably in Premium Finish... And when I say premium finish, I mean all the tampo printed on and non of that panel lining or weathering sh*t they’ve been coming up with lately. This is so that it will be consistent with my VF-1S Hikaru Strike Premium Finish. Oh yeah, and more idol group shows.
  11. Looking at these pix, to me, Arcadia is the king!
  12. Well, hopefuly we see 7 and Frontier subtitled in full glorious Bluray soon.
  13. They did this with the Delta Bluray series. And with the Macross Plus Bluray as well. What they failed to do was put English subtitles to the SDFM Bluray set and the latest DYRL Bluray. I’m gonna say this again, H@rm0ny G0ld DOES NOT OWN the English language.
  14. Make that insta-buy for both of these in Blu-ray:
  15. There should put an option: Japanese audio, Japanese audio w/ Subtitles, English Dub w/ Japanese Songs, English Dub w/ English Songs...
  16. Yeah, Bandai 1/55 VF-1S Hikaru Strike. Acradia 1/60 VT-1 Super Ostrich Premium Finish. Arcadia 1/60 VF-1D PF. Arcadia 1/60 VF-1A Hikaru DYRL? PF Arcadia 1/60 VF-1S Super Valkyrie TV PF. Yay!
  17. It probably would NOT fit. The VF-1D chest is straight. There’s a dip in front of the VF-1J’s neck.
  18. Well, that’s anime magic.
  19. I needed to click the link on the link you posted a second time for it to show up properly. But then the video is “not available”.
  20. A possible solution to this is to replace the VF-1 with any other Variable Fighter. Just like what they tried doing with the PS1 game Macross VF-X2 release outside of Japan... They will probably need to replace all the UN Spacy kite symbol on the Fighters too...
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