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Snake Eyes

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Everything posted by Snake Eyes

  1. Can someone sponsor me a Yellow? Broken ones also accepted
  2. bwhahah! "Aliens" meme style
  3. Thats really awesome to hear so what would the total be for the kit and the shipping from Japan?
  4. sigh... no one willing to help a brother out on the ass end of the planet? I only want/need one set, but shipping with the cost of the set is a bit much (if captain america will even send to South Africa) or if someone will be willing to send it from their location
  5. Would love a set too... but would you ship to South Africa?
  6. how do those paniers mount?
  7. Those are Top notch quality bags... did you 3D print them yourself? where can I get a set?
  8. Thats awesome! What did he use as a base?
  9. the visor paint... so paint on the outside... did you paint with clear then smoke? brush or airbrush? did you mask off the "visor clips" with tape first or just paint around it? Also... will 90% isopropyl Alcohol work for cleaning off the paint or will this damage the visor?
  10. to the outside?? i thought its all done on the inside of the visor
  11. are those dash images the right size? can i just print at 100%
  12. thank you kindly Also, has anyone figured out yet if its tamiya clear blue AND clear smoke on the visor after cleaning it with alcohol to get the visor looking better...
  13. can any of you remember which page the console (speedometer) stickers were on? O_O
  14. My Stick Finally arrived yesterday... haven't taken it out the box yet though
  15. mine came too
  16. i Emailed them on the 26th of April and this is the response I got At this time we are still awaiting our shipment(s) to arrive. We along with many other online retailers are at the mercy of the suppliers and manufacturers when it comes to pre-orders, as they tend to provide very little information about exact arrival and/or ship dates. Often times we may not receive any updates on products until they are in transit to our facility. If an update is provided by the manufacturer that a product will be delayed, we do our best to send out notices in advance to keep our customers aware. If there is no update available, we will then change over the month or time frame of every existing pre-order once the previous month or quarter has ended. We would love to have everything arrive on time as expected with firm release dates like movies and video games for example, but unfortunately in the world of toys it can seem anything but consistent! I apologize that no further information is available today but hopefully our shipment(s) will be arriving soon. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance and I will be happy to help. Have a great day! -- Sincerely, Cain Customer Service Representative www.bigbadtoystore.com 321 SMC Dr. | Somerset, WI 54025 Atleast I can save up more for it now
  17. wait what?!? has it seriously been delayed? So what you are trying to say is that they didnt have stock to begin with, or weren't getting and now that there is a second release they are going with that??
  18. hmmm... i wonder if this means that Big Bad Toy Store will only be getting theirs then... as far as I understand, their shipment is on the way though.
  19. so for a 2 pack?
  20. preorder for what?
  21. sigh... something that will NEVER happen in my lifetime
  22. What is his FB page?
  23. errr... what is that for? where does it go? (i dont have my stick yet, so just wondering)
  24. And i have also replied to that mention saying that I am very well aware of that fact... I just heard in his video that you can get it on BBTS so i assumed that Jenius had gotten his from there too... so i was just wondering.
  25. did you say in the transformation vid that you got yours from BBTS?? I have pre ordered from them, but have still heard nothing, even emailed them to find out if they have thier stock yet and they said no...
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