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Snake Eyes

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Everything posted by Snake Eyes

  1. hmm... just noticed now, from the prototype images of Houquet, She has a different backpack booster system. She has a splitting dual booster system (similar to the Genesis breaker design)
  2. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tatsunoko.co.jp%2Fnews%2F3462
  3. more than likely related to this
  4. Got around it http://www.tatsunoko.co.jp/news/3462 ooo... theres more images on the site (of the bike and the rider)
  5. WHADAT?! (my IP is blocked from going to the site)
  6. I also only watched the Robotech version, I'm currently watching the original mospeada now... (im watching on www.thewatchcartoononline.tv , someone posted earlier)
  7. 2nd one... sigh, cant even afford a first one. On that topic.. do you guys have a yearly budget for figures or do you just have tons of disposable cash?
  8. I wish they included the larger base pieces for the Ride armors... going to try and make a 3D printed set and possibly a storage box to go underneath it.
  9. and just for reference...
  10. another thing they could try is have the boom in 2 parts that separate and fold backwards and then up (to under the "Shoulders/wings" area with a telescopic gimmick as well. or maybe telescope out of the knee area (or just to the inside of it) with a swivel mechanism that can joint the 2 halves together. Im sure they will figure something genius out (if and when they make it)
  11. Would have been nice if they added a gimmick to hide that gap between the calves (looking from the top), like a sliding cover or even getting the calves closer together
  12. I love this
  13. i really thought those intake covers were integrated (when they showed the prototypes) like with mybe a twist fold out system or a slide system.. wouldn't have been too hard to implement, but would have been more engineering i suppose
  15. ah, I understand... thank you sqidd. Anyone else willing to help?
  16. thats perfectly okay, But I was not asking for prints... just measurements, im going to have to 3D model it here myself, and then I have a friend that can do the prints for me
  17. would love one... cant afford :'( (covid has screwed the USD to ZAR (South African Rands) exchange rate
  18. i am assuming its this base... correct? If that is the case, then i would need the dimensions of each piece so that i can recreate it in 3D and be able to have it clip together around the original base. and then i can go about creating a lower box that can store parts. so those parts would act as a "lid" of sorts
  19. ahh, okay, so it comes with another figure... I want to use the original base but make a storage box for all the accessories... I have a friend with a 3D printer that will help. so I thought that if I can get the dimensions of that larger base and use that I could make a print of it and make a box to go with it, would be great. Any possibility of getting some pictures of the base, and its pieces and some measurements? (need them in cm if possible)
  20. The base that is used in this image.... does anyone know where its from or have one or have the dimensions of it??
  21. Been a rider myself for 20 years (I dont own a car or a car license) and I ride everyday without fail, rain or shine. and I must say that I whole heartedly agree that the Buells are horrible... the two that I rode you had to constantly fight going into corners. I will stick to Japanese made bikes, thank you (I have been riding a Z1000 for 10 years now) On the topic of what power system the ride armors use... could be full electric but use a heat exchanger to produce the illusion of smoke/steam and then have a speaker in each exhaust that produces the sound that they prefer... maybe computer controlled that would allow the rider to select a sound that they prefer. you know... for nostalgic reasons? Or by law (on mars) they were not allowed to have silent or electrical sounding vehicles. on another side note... anyone willing to sponsor a poor South African with a Legioss Alpha? even if its broken, would still be happy
  22. ah 3DsMax how I love thee unfortunately I am now working in Maya Thats an impressive build there Perxion
  23. Best response EVER! ha ha
  24. All those pics seem to be Final prototype photos, which means things could still change at the molding stage. but, it also looks like the center rocket pod is infact removable... look at the rear shot (on hobby search, pic 2) there seems to be tabs on the sides that clip into the arms, and then on pic 6, the pod isnt there... so this seems good.
  25. anyone willing to sponsor me one... or a rey? :P (worth a try to ask) im hoping there will still be some available in about a years time... might be able to buy then. my motorcycle is taking all my cash at the moment
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