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Kyp Durron

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Everything posted by Kyp Durron

  1. I prefer to think of it as a "Type Zero" Valkire myself. -Kyp
  2. Thanks! The Alpha has never been transformed, and a lot of the main stickers were applied, but that's as far as I went as I think it looks great with just the main ones on there. The VF-0S only has 4 stickers applied (The kite emblems and the PL Roy Fokker on each side) I have my YF-19 coming from Toydeals 888 sometime in Jan, just not sure when. Godzilla said it's on the boat as of Dec 21-22(Or something like that) so it's coming at least. I didn't even know about all these toys till a month and a half ago when I was searching ebay! So the VF-0S was my first... I will be pre-ordering the Shin VF-0A sometime in Feb. -Kyp
  3. Stand back everyone, and gape in utter awe at my MASSIVE COLLECTION!!!!!111shift+1 I feel sooo inadiquate... -Kyp
  4. Dude, those customs kick ass!!!! I need to hire someone to panel-line my VF-0S and dull-coat seal it. -Kyp
  5. You say the wings are loose...can't you tighten the screw to fix that? Does it affect fighter mode? -Kyp
  6. Yeah, I saw that...I didn't realize that it would create a problem with that till I looked at the pics again... It still wouldn't be a bad idea to have them taller for fighter mode, IMO. You could always take the taller ones off and put on the stock ones if you want to transform it. -Kyp
  7. You also mentioned somewhere that the YF-19 tail-fins were too short as well...I didn't notice this till I saw the lineart. I am hoping someone will cast them taller. -Kyp
  8. And taller tail fins would also be nice as well. I would buy them both. -Kyp
  9. Since Graham mentioned in his review that the tail fins weren't tall enough, who here wants to step up and make some custom tail fins that are taller to match the lineart? As I am awaiting mine, I know I would buy a set for mine. So who here wants to tackle the job? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller....? -Kyp
  10. Kyp Durron

    Graham's Sig

    An SV-51 would freakin' rock, I hope that's what's next. I do wish that they would revisit the VF-1's in 1/60 and make them perfect transform and have the details/gimmics that the current VF-0's and the YF-19 has. But my opinon is biased as I my first and only Valk is the VF-0S, and my second is (Non-Macross I know) a MPC Alpha in 1/55 and my third being the YF-19 coming to my door step in Jan. -Kyp
  11. If it's any consolation.... Some of us including me aren't getting ours still sometime around the first week of January. -Kyp
  12. 234 replies counting this one, and over 7,200 views in only 4 days.... WHEEEEEE!!!! I can only imagine what it will be a month from now. -Kyp
  13. What I want : Tampo all markings. Make everything tight the first time around. Panel line them. See? I'm not hard to please, lol. -Kyp
  14. Awesome, can't wait for the real tutorials to be posted. I will study them so that when mine arrives I will already know how to transform it. :cool: So... does anyone here think that there will be NEWEDWADS T.F.C. replacement stickers for the retarded NEWEDWARS T.F.C. screw-up? -Kyp
  15. Awesome practice tutorial, Graham. And the wings are PLENTY long enough, there is NO need for "longer, sleeker" wings. I do see that the tail fins should have been slightly taller as Graham pointed out in his review, but fighter mode is still gorgeous as are the other configurations as well. I am also glad that it's the gun pod that needs tweaking, that shouldn't be a problem for me to fix. But I do have to agree that as much work went into this design, there shouldn't have been any issues to begin with, IMHO. But they are fixable though, thank GOD. -Kyp
  16. He's already said that they can't be swept back. -Kyp
  17. Excellent review!! Makes me glad that I pre-ordered mine...I just hope he gets them in and I get mine before X-mas. -Kyp
  18. If it's the 7th in your time zone, then it's time for the review to get posted!! -Kyp
  19. 2 More days to go.... -Kyp
  20. Well, let's just hope that Yamato has learned enough to make this one right from the get-go. Mine is already paid for and if Graham says that it's tight all around, then I will take him at his word till I get mine and see for myself. I don't know what you're talking about...it looks awesome to me. -Kyp
  21. So, is the Dec. 7th release date still on track? -Kyp
  22. That's the great thing about hot glue...you can remove the glue with 0 damage to the plastic! I may get me some clear epoxy and place a very light coat around the tabs and see if that does the trick. -Kyp
  23. Cool!! It will look great next to my VF-0S then...kinda like old v.s. new. -Kyp
  24. So... How big is this joker gonna be? Looking at the pics, if that box is the same size as my VF-0S and they had to put that puppy in at an angle, it's gonna be huge!! -Kyp
  25. Is the fighter mode nice and solid? My VF-0S was a floppy, retarded mess...so I hot glued mine in a couple of places since I was gonna display it in fighter mode anyways. I hope my YF-19 will be a different story. -Kyp
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