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Kyp Durron

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Everything posted by Kyp Durron

  1. Yes, that was what he was going for, but I think a sheet of light blue paper underneath and the right ammount of cotton for the clouds would work 1,000 times better than just the feathers, IMHO. -Kyp
  2. I bought my Lancer for $50 shipped, and I just bought the Shadow Fighter brand new for $48 and change shipped. I can wait till I get a good deal, so it's no biggie to me, I will stick to my Toynami's because I only display them in fighter mode anyways. Maybe one day someone will step up to the plate and make these things actually look at least as good as the Toynami in fighter mode for $200+, but until they do, they'll not see one dime of my money...ever. -Kyp
  3. I hope Graham doesn't mind me reposting one of his pics of the 1/60 DRYL Hikaru VF-1A from his review...it's for a good cause, IMO. I think the new 1/60 is a major improvement and makes me glad I got rid of the couple that I did have, but that's just me. I know it's not the exact same perspective, but I still like what I see in the new 1/60 line. -Kyp
  4. When someone asks for $250, they had better make it look at least as good as this : Otherwise, they can kiss my ass. -Kyp
  5. I would assume that since this is the line meant to replace the 1/48 that it would come with all the missiles. -Kyp
  6. That was me, and I was referring to the difference between the Roy's 1S in DRYL vs the Roy 1S TV version. In the DRYL movie, the arrows on either side of the 1S is yellow, and on the TV version, they're black. And of course, in the TV version, Hikaru gets Roy's 1S rather than the Black and Red 1S made for him in DRYL. I want the TV version of Hikaru's 1S which is Roy's TV version 1S with a Hikaru pilot. The point was, it would be easy enough for Yamato to do and I'm hoping they will do it with this new 1/60 line since they didn't with the 1/48's. -Kyp
  7. Screw that, if they can't make the fighter mode look at least as good as my Toynami for $200 bucks, I'll pass, kthnx. -Kyp
  8. Those are pretty much a given. I want a TV Roy/Hikaru VF-1S...with TV fast packs. Heck, if they were smart, they could put both pilots with it and give the fans a two for one so-to-speak. But knowing them, if they did it at all, they'd make them separate just to try and get people to buy both. -Kyp
  9. Give it a rest, if you don't like it, then don't buy the Goddamn thing. All you've done is whine and complain about how the legs are too skinny, they've sacrificed two out of the three modes for fighter, blah, blah, blah...ad nauseam. You've long since made your feelings clear on the matter, it's time to move forward and get on with your life already....Jesus. -Kyp
  10. I'm hoping that they will finally release a TV Hikaru VF-1S...I don't consider DYRL cannon...I consider it a slightly altered timeline version. To me, the TV version will always be cannon, but that's just me. It would suck for me to have to buy a Hikaru VF-1J and a DRYL Roy VF-1S just to get a pseudo TV version Hikaru VF-1S. All they'd have to do is make the yellow arrows on the 1S head black and give it a Hikaru 1J pilot...Jesus Christ, it wouldn't be hard. -Kyp
  11. Read my sig. They've been engineered from the start to allow for two seaters for a reason. I'm not worried about it, because I'm positive that they will come out with the complete line this time and that includes the D, VT, and VE models. -Kyp
  12. It's very likely the latter as on the Good subbed version Alto made the comment "They're deployed already?" when he saw the VF-25 for the first time. It's much better when you can finally understand what they're saying. I think this series is going to be awesome, I love the nods to the original SDF Macross series, very cool! -Kyp
  13. I think the FP's look fantastic on it in fighter mode, that's how I'm going to display it. -Kyp
  14. LOL @ the irony of this post... -Kyp
  15. Blacklisted....I just bought their VF-0S w/Ghost on Ebay yesterday. And I don't see them on the black list either unless you're mixing them up with Toy-Wave? -Kyp
  16. Not that I've seen so far, but if you're going to go that route, I wouldn't wait too long. Soon word will spread about the new 1/60 line and you'll be pressed to find someone that will want the old 1/60 VF-1's. -Kyp
  17. With the imminent release of the new, vastly improved 1/60 VF-1 line, I caved and bought a VF-0S w/ Ghost. I got the first edition and it sucked donkey balls. The damned thing was sloppy, loose, and had a droopy fuselage too...kinda like an old crack-whore I'd imagine...LMAO! All jokes aside, definitely NOT worth the $180 I paid shipped from LOS on Ebay. I'm really hoping this thing is as good as everyone's been saying. -Kyp
  18. I changed my mind, I decided to buy the VF-0S with Ghost Booster from HoHoHo Toys and the 2.5 inch flexistand from LOS on Ebay. If all goes well, I should have the VF-0S by Saturday since I paid the extra $10 for 2-3 day shipping via USPS. I'm going with nothing but 1/60 scale for my Macross Valks from here on out! -Kyp
  19. I don't care who makes them. As long as it's in 1/60 scale, kicks ass, and doesn't have any first issue QC problems, I will be a very happy camper. -Kyp
  20. I sold my 1/48 Hikaru VF-1J and will be buying a 1/48 VF-1J Stealth. That will be the one and only 1/48 that I will have and keep. From here on out, it's 1/60's all the way! -Kyp
  21. I couldn't wait anymore, I had to get in on VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE.COM's list! -Kyp
  22. I remember when I suggested this and had people disagree with me, and I had given up hope that they would do this. But now that they finally have, I couldn't be happier! -Kyp
  23. I don't think this is a big mistake at all, I think it's great that they're capitalizing on the success of their Macross Zero and Macross Plus 1/60 line by finally giving us perfect transforming VF-1's in the 1/60 scale. -Kyp
  24. Yes, the new 1/60 has articulated hands, just look at the pics on the 5th page. The heat shield is built in on the VF-0's and I think they are on the new 1/60 scale VF-1's, but it hasn't been confirmed yet. *Edit* EXO beat me to it! -Kyp
  25. I think the lack of removable nose cones and no moving wing flaps is a good thing myself, it's less to break or go wrong in my honest opinion. But if the new guy here hasn't seriously started collecting Valks yet, then he's definitely better off waiting for these new 1/60 VF-1's to come out, I believe. -Kyp
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