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Kyp Durron

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Everything posted by Kyp Durron

  1. I agree whole heartedly. Hopefully, Yamato won't miss the opportunity to make more money off of us this time around. -Kyp
  2. I think Graham was trying to say that they CAN detach like the way that the legs CAN be removed on the YF-19, but not really a feature per say. -Kyp
  3. You forgot that his eyeballs also implode. -Kyp
  4. I'd wait and see if they're gonna make a DRYL Max 1S, you never know, they just might make one in this new 1/60 line. -Kyp
  5. I'll have to transform mine into the other two modes at least once, just to see if there are any issues. -Kyp
  6. Well, after seeing all the post and pics from those who've gotten theirs, my opinions are as follows : Cons 1. I don't like that gap in the rear in fighter mode. 2. I also don't like that it's floppy in fighter mode. 3. They designed this thing from scratch and still couldn't come up with a more solid way to join the two fighters together. 4. There's no feet thrusters for fighter mode which is just wrong. 5. The price is ludicrous for something that looks so toyish. Pros 1. Tampo printed markings out the ass! (Yamato could stand to take notes on that) 2. No apparent QC issues unlike the Toynami Alphas. 3. It's actually made to be transformed more than a handful of times without breaking. I'm sticking with my MPC Shadow Fighter, it looks better in fighter mode (To me) and I'd rather wait for the MPC Beta to come out for it. Less money spent overall for a Legioss/Tread combo than the CM's version. However, for those who are happy with theirs, I'm happy for them. -Kyp
  7. Oh STFU, some of us here in the States are gonna have to wait 3 weeks after that, you lucky bastard! -Kyp
  8. I don't give a rat's ass about 1/60 vs. 1/48. I think this 1/60 VF-1 line is chock full of WIN and I'm getting them, and that's all there is to it. -Kyp
  9. That's what I'd like to know... -Kyp
  10. Well, after seeing the Bandai Eilentseeker thread, I figured there needed to be at least one more April Fools thread here in the toy forum, lol. -Kyp
  11. April Fools!!!
  12. Another 8 days and counting till this thing hits the streets, I can't wait! Of course, that means at least another 2-3 weeks before it will be in my hands though. -Kyp
  13. Kyp Durron

    2 seater 1/48s

    Hmm...this is really getting interesting, they're actually wanting to incorporate this into the new 1/60 line too?! Wow...now that would be awesome if they can, I love the way the new 1/60 VF-1S looks, and I really want to keep everything in one scale if at all possible. If they can't incorporate it into the 1/60 line, then I might just have to break down and get a 1D in 1/48 scale, just to have those cool features. NB4M, I'm praying that this works out for you like you're hoping it will. -Kyp
  14. I'm hoping for a tight fighter mode and reasonably tight shoulder joints and no stupid QC issues. But I'm willing to take the chance and live with any flaws should this not live up to what I'm hoping for. -Kyp
  15. If you look at the pic of the red one from the rear, you can tell that gap is there for the Tread connection just as you said, jenius. -Kyp
  16. Final payment has been sent for my preorder with Kevin, now to sit back and wait. -Kyp
  17. Same here, I'm paying mine off this week. -Kyp
  18. I know I said I'd buy a two seater 1/48 in a heartbeat, but that was before the info about the new 1/60 VF-1's came out. -Kyp
  19. If I remember right, they said that the beam would already be several light years wide by the time it gets here. :-| -Kyp
  20. They're either going to release a two seater after Roy, or they're gonna make us wait for it. I'd rather they release the two seaters ASAP for those of us who've been waiting all this time than make us wait even longer for it. Like release the VT-1 after Roy then another Valk, followed by the VE-1, then another Valk, then release the VF-1D. Or something like that, that would be cool in my opinion. -Kyp
  21. I feel the exact same way. I'm hoping that VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE will have a group buy of the Shadow colored Beta (Assuming it comes out), that way I can get a good price since I already have the Shadow Fighter. The way I see it, I will be paying less overall than the $300 for CM's version which I don't like anyways. -Kyp
  22. No one knows that I'm aware of at this point, we aren't even close to the release date of the Roy yet. It's all speculation, but I'm hoping for a two seater like either the VF-1D or VT-1. -Kyp
  23. VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE had them for $195 not including shipping and the total in the U.S. was $208 shipped...max. (Shipping is $9-13 depending on location in the U.S.) Mine came out to $208 shipped, BTW. He said he was going to try and get a few more for anyone else who wanted to get in on the group order. -Kyp
  24. Damn...if his was 14K, then it looks like it's time to bend over and grab my ankles if I ever want to get a Scott MPC. I hope that since Scott's Alpha was in TSC, then maybe that will give Toynami the loophole they need to make more. -Kyp
  25. Wrong. We have Roy FP set coming out in August and stand alone Roy and the FP set coming out in Sept. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...st&p=563521 -Kyp
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