For what it's worth, I asked one of the Hong Kong sellers on Ebay when this was supposed to come out, and they replied that it's supposed to be released this week.
*Crosses fingers and toes*
So how are they expecting anyone to be able to get a fold booster without having to buy a YF-19 FP set? Are there any plans on making just the booster available separately?
It will come with the Fast Packs, but no "Fold-Dildo", sorry.
Though I do wonder just how they expect people to be able to have one to go with their YF-21 without buying the YF-19 Fast Pack set...
^I agree 100%. If the new 1/60 happens to suck, then you can always find a 1/48, but if it's anything like Graham says, you'll be glad you waited.
They'd damn well better release them all since they've touted the fact that it's been designed to incorporate two-seater variants.
It sounds like the value of the original 1/60 line really will be going down the toilet with all the improvements Graham mentioned. Makes me sooo glad I never bothered to invest in them.
No clue...I gave up trying to figure that out a long time ago. The Yamato over all (And especially fighter mode) is much more line art correct than that craptacular D-Stance.