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Kyp Durron

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Everything posted by Kyp Durron

  1. Which doesn't do us a damned bit of good if they keep delaying the release month after month... -Kyp
  2. Wow, you must have read my mind!! That's exactly what I was thinking... last month. -Kyp
  3. I wonder just how many people are gonna be brave enough to chop off the nose cones on their new 1/60's to put a longer one on? -Kyp
  4. It'd be nice if Graham could chime in and confirm if it's going to be June or not. If so, this really blows. -Kyp
  5. For what it's worth, I asked one of the Hong Kong sellers on Ebay when this was supposed to come out, and they replied that it's supposed to be released this week. *Crosses fingers and toes* -Kyp
  6. If I remember right, there is no removable nose cone, it's fixed like the flaps are. -Kyp
  7. Hopefully, we'll hear someting soon about a release date for this thing. Hopefully it will be before the end of the month. -Kyp
  8. So how are they expecting anyone to be able to get a fold booster without having to buy a YF-19 FP set? Are there any plans on making just the booster available separately? -Kyp
  9. It will come with the Fast Packs, but no "Fold-Dildo", sorry. Though I do wonder just how they expect people to be able to have one to go with their YF-21 without buying the YF-19 Fast Pack set... -Kyp
  10. You are indeed crazy if you thought I was gonna just let that comment about being another month or two late go! -Kyp
  11. No, the secret gimmick is that it will be released before the YF-21... -Kyp
  13. You're right, I've heard horrible things about the MPC VF-1's that make the MPC Alpha's look like Yamato's by comparison... *Shudders* -Kyp
  14. ^I agree 100%. If the new 1/60 happens to suck, then you can always find a 1/48, but if it's anything like Graham says, you'll be glad you waited. -Kyp
  15. Lmao...it's a thought, huh? -Kyp
  16. The way things are going, this might come out before the YF-21 does... -Kyp
  17. That's easier said than done for those of us who've paid in advance for this thing. -Kyp
  18. They'd damn well better release them all since they've touted the fact that it's been designed to incorporate two-seater variants. It sounds like the value of the original 1/60 line really will be going down the toilet with all the improvements Graham mentioned. Makes me sooo glad I never bothered to invest in them. -Kyp
  19. Well, the 15th is this week, so if it's really mid-May and not the end of May, we should be hearing something real soon. -Kyp
  20. I still say it should have been named the VF-25 Skull Focker. -Kyp
  21. Not...possible...no way... Must...have...can't...miss out... -Kyp
  22. No clue...I gave up trying to figure that out a long time ago. The Yamato over all (And especially fighter mode) is much more line art correct than that craptacular D-Stance. -Kyp
  23. Which means there's no f*cking way that the 1/60 VF-1 is gonna be out by August-September. -Kyp
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