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Kyp Durron

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Everything posted by Kyp Durron

  1. Screw waiting, I had to snag Ozma's 25S even if it doesn't have the armor, I actually prefer it without the armor. *Points to avatar* -Kyp
  2. I wonder if someone could make some stickers that say VF-22 with a matching blue background to place over the "V-21" on the left side? -Kyp
  3. I was gonna paint mine till I saw it in person and decided that it looks fine the way it is. -Kyp
  4. Well, it would have to be one expensive model kit for it to be that much. I pre-ordered the VF-25S. I'm a sucker for the Focker scheme, lol. -Kyp
  5. I think they'll do it for the 1A variant, but I think the odds of winning the lottery are better than them making a two seat low vis. -Kyp
  6. OK, I've only got one complaint with mine...the canopy won't stay in the open position for sh!t. It's loose as a goose but locks closed just fine. I loosened the belly plate where the leg underneath had that tape around it and cut the tape off. Then put the belly plate back. I'm happy to say that when I pushed the rear of the belly plate together, it stays that way. The wing tips are easily moved, but not floppy and stay up just fine. The gun pods needed a bit of force to attach, but I like the fact that they're tight. That, and they give me a perfect place to hold the fighter with. The fast packs...haven't tried them yet, but they look like they're gonna be a pain in the ass to put on so I'll leave that for another time. It looks like Yamato did a great job with this and it's probably the most anime accurate fighter mode Yamato has done yet with the VF-0 series being a very close second. You know, I was gonna paint over the yellow with either flat black or white, but I've decided I'm not gonna f*** with it. I kinda like the Blue Angels vibe I get from looking at it. I'll probably put on a few of the stickers for sh!ts and giggles, but that's it. Definitely the most unique looking valk yet and if you're looking for something different, then this is for you. I can't help but think that a VF-22 version done in either a low-vis or stealth scheme would absolutely ROCK. Oh, and one more thing, this thing's got some pretty damn good weight to it too. -Kyp
  7. OK...SOMEONE on here has the pass...come on, sharing is caring! -Kyp
  8. Yeah, fighter mode is definitely this Valk's strongest point, IMO. -Kyp
  9. Had a bit to drink, have we? Just remember to always transform them when your semi-sober. -Kyp
  10. Spray can, or did you just paint brush it on? And could you PRETTY PLEASE take more pics of the fighter mode? -Kyp
  11. Damn straight we're all eager, lol. I'll probably just want the canopy for myself, but we'll see. -Kyp
  12. Yes it does, they just didn't put the pilot in when they took the pics. -Kyp
  13. Ha! I was right, the flat black does look good on it. So how did you go about painting it? What kind of masking tape did you use? Did you use an air brush or spray can? What paint brand? Krylon? -Kyp
  14. No sh!t man, that...and all the Goddamn tampo printing....that's another MAJOR selling point for me. Not to mention all the other nice features/gimmicks. -Kyp
  15. Best part of all, it looks like they figured out how to tampo the skulls on the tail fins straight. -Kyp
  16. Sorry, it's the best I could do...hopefully someone else will come along and give us something that makes a little more sense. -Kyp
  17. Babel Fish Home - Help In English At limitation on the magazine selling the original commodity which does not enter into the hand in only the [makurosu] chronicle. The fan long-awaited first merchandising item appears. When the below picture is clicked, it can download the jpeg picture. And mark make 1/48 complete deformation edition VF-1A MAX machines (TV edition) and mark make 1/48 complete deformation edition VF-1S strike Valkyrie Ichijo shine machine [uezaringu] specifications As for the VF-1A MAX machine of the mark make, this becomes first merchandising. As for this type, MAX of the ace pilot to has embarked “super spatial-temporal fortress [makurosu]” TV23 story, it is one of the mechanics who represent [makurosu], but it is the fuselage it has not been merchandised almost so far. Just, you can call fan long-awaited [korekutazuaitemu]. One side it is the historical fuselage which “VF-1S Ichijo shine machine [uezaringu] specification” has remembered, or theater edition 'super spatial-temporal fortress [makurosu] ~ love colors the climax of the ~'. This time real it becomes the specification which administers polluting paint. ( Enter up to 150 words ) Translate again マクロス・クロニクルのみでしか手に入らないオリジナル商品を誌上限定にて販売。ファン待望の初商品化アイテムが登場。 以下画像をクリックするとjpeg画像がダウンロードできます。 やまと製 1/48 完全変形版  VF-1A マックス機(TV版) やまと製 1/48 完全変形版  VF-1S ストライクバルキリー一条輝機 ウェザリング仕様 まと製のVF-1A マックス機は、これが初の商品化となります。この機種は、エースパイロットのマックスが「超時空要塞マクロス」TV23話まで搭乗しており、マクロスを代表するメカの一つですが、これまでほとんど商品化された事のない機体です。まさにファン待望のコレクターズアイテムといえます。 一方の「VF-1S 一条輝機 ウェザリング仕様」は、劇場版『超時空要塞マクロス ~愛・おぼえていますか~』のクライマックスを彩った歴史的な機体です。今回はリアルな汚し塗装を施した仕様となります。
  18. They could have responded by making a general release rather than leave the majority outside looking in. -Kyp
  19. I think it's deplorable for Yamato to give it's 1/48 fans a slap in the face and kick in the nuts by releasing Valks that they've been begging for for 5 years now as limited edition, hard to get releases. I can only hope they don't do this with the 1/60 V2 VF-1's, but I wouldn't put it past them. -Kyp
  20. Yes, those are the version 2 Yamato 1/60 VF-1 series. Awesome, aren't they? -Kyp
  21. So where is this review of theirs? -Kyp
  22. Wow, I'm kinda surprised at how well the YF-19 FP version is doing compared to the 1/48 VF-1 variations. I think the YF-21 will get more votes as more people get them. *cough*meandeveryoneelsewhoorderedwithKevin*cough* -Kyp
  23. +1 Yea for Nanase. -Kyp
  24. Fine, then pick the one you think is the best then. -Kyp
  25. I wish I knew what Valk Alto was gonna ultimately end up with. I'm betting either Ozma's or another S-type with his red colors like in DYRL?. -Kyp
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