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Kyp Durron

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Everything posted by Kyp Durron

  1. No I didn't, I described the scene, not how sweet it is. -Kyp
  2. Er...if he's referring to your 1S or your 0S, then he needs to stop smoking crack. They're both based off the F-14 and I'd be willing to bet that with little to no modifications to the basic design, they'd fly just fine. If he's talking about with the fast packs on, tell him that's for space flight only. The YF-19, I'm not so sure about though... And to remove the fuselage, all you have to do is pull the 1S head off and then pull the fuselage straight out. Just make sure the small gray piece that the head sits on is pushed in far enough first after you pull the head off. -Kyp
  3. I'd like to report that my Strike/Super Roy 1S is perfect, no broken shoulders and straight skulls. I'd also like to note that on this one the edges of the inner cockpit side mirrors don't rub the inside of the canopy like the stand alone did. To those of you who got crappy skulls with your Strike version, that must have been an isolated incident that was caught and fixed at some point in the run as mine is freakin' flawless. *Edit* And I can't even begin to tell you how sweet it is to have two Roy's sitting on flexi-stands on each corner of my computer desk as I type this....one wearing the Fast Packs & reaction missiles, and the other bare bones with just the gun pod. -Kyp
  4. *Points to sig* I've been saying that since the day Graham confirmed that it was a 1/60 V2 perfect transformation toy that was designed from the start to have two seat variants. -Kyp
  5. You know you will, don't deny it. -Kyp
  6. Well, they managed to greatly improve the appearance of all 3 modes from V1 with the VF-1S/A/J/D so far, just what makes you think that won't be true for the VT-1 and VE-1's? -Kyp
  7. ^So in other words, sales will determine if the GPB armor will get made or not. I'm betting that we're gonna see everything that came out for the V1 1/60's and the 1/48's in this new V2 1/60 line as well. And since they're making Hikaru and Minmay figures for the 1D, you can bet on seeing Hikaru and/or both Misa and Minmay for the VT-1 as well. Yep, I'm even betting on a Low Vis 1 & 2, Stealth 1J, DRYL Max 1S, T.V. Max 1A, and possibly even a T.V. Kakizaki 1A as well. You heard it here first! -Kyp
  8. I sold my YF-21 to fund a Roy1S Strike/Super. The stand alone Roy I have has straight skulls. If this one that I'm getting has crooked skulls, it will end up wearing the fast packs...permanently. Otherwise, I'll just have to decide, lol. -Kyp
  9. The article covering the 1D at HLJ.com said that it will be out sometime next year, so we have a damn good while to wait/save up for it. -Kyp
  10. They are... http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-cybergundam/article?mid=12747 -Kyp
  11. Oh yeah, baby...this is as good as MINE!!!!1111shift+1 -Kyp
  12. I want to know why the f*** they couldn't have made that section more like the 1/48's. Surely they had to know that was gonna present a problem sooner or later. -Kyp
  13. And let's not forget that Misa and Hikaru didn't exactly hit it off when they first met either. Just like Alto and Sheryl when they first met. -Kyp
  14. Yes, that Alto will be a man, not a fraking pedophile and pic the more sexually mature girl...Sheryl FTW!! -Kyp
  15. All I've got to say is this : "Alto, for the love of GOD, please do the right thing and don't go loli on us by picking Ranka!!! Be a man and pick the chick with tits and ass...PICK SHERYL!!" That is all. -Kyp
  16. Thanks for the heads up, bro. I'll keep an eye on it. Any plans for fixing the skull on your valk? Maybe you can get some waterslide decals and paint over the original skulls, then put them on and dull coat it? -Kyp
  17. No, it was my anal, detail oriented OCD that said I had to. Trust me, the clear canopy looks a lot better than having that dark spot . I suppose if I actually wanted a rainbow effect canopy again, I could remove the fuselage and post in the wanted section for an even swap, but it's not worth it for me to do that. Besides, it just looks like the 1/48's did now and every other Valk before this had the canopies clear so it really doesn't bother me. I just won't be doing this mod to any other 1/60 VF-1 I get...well, maybe the 1D because I'm not sure I want that effect on that Valk. -Kyp
  18. I know, it reminds me of some of the 1/48 Roy 1S' that I've seen. Maybe he could sell it here and get another? -Kyp
  19. I did too...but I didn't have a choice as I couldn't stand that spot that was rubbed off. I liked the coating myself. -Kyp
  20. Sorry for the OT post, but what fighter is that?! -Kyp
  21. No, it's NOT...remember the NOSE IS TOO STUBBY IN FIGHTER MODE!!!1111Shift+1 Yeah.... Seriously, I think people are too used to their 1/48's that I think have a slightly too long nose section. -Kyp
  22. I believe that Graham's is off like that too, but mine is just fine : Maybe some were f*cked up and it was caught and fixed during the run? -Kyp
  23. Mine are both dead on, but then again I've got the stand alone version without fast packs. Maybe they resolved that issue with the non fast pack version and later? -Kyp
  24. And for those same reasons, I choose the YF-21 FP system. I actually think it looks better with them on than not, but I think that's because Yamato made it that way on the 1/60 scale. *Edit* I know that it's not on here, but there needs to be more choices than just these few that are on the poll. -Kyp
  25. Oh, that sucks A$$ man. You could tape off the tail fins and repaint the black part with Tamiya Flat black and use the skull stickers and then seal it with Tamiya dull coat to keep the stickers from peeling. Or, you could just Ebay it and get another one, but that would be kind of a pain in the ass too... I don't know what to tell you otherwise, if it was me that would bug the crap out of me to no end. -Kyp
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