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Kyp Durron

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Everything posted by Kyp Durron

  1. HELL YES!! And those reasons you named off are the same reasons why I'd LOVE to buy them!! I don't have the time, skills, or even money to hire said skills to build models. For those of you that can do that, good for you. For those of us who can't, this would be a PERFECT opportunity. -Kyp
  2. You and me both think the same in this regard. I think they should redesign it so that it's solid like the new 1/60 VF-1. -Kyp
  3. Could this be the reason we all love the VF-1 so much? Not too much, not too little, but just right? -Kyp
  4. If they push these back till December or later, then I'm probably gonna cancel my preorder with Overdrive and put my money on the 1/60 VF-1D since it's supposed to be out around January if I remember right. -Kyp
  5. And just how exactly are the arms on the new VF-1's supposed to sit any higher? They appear to sit as high up as possible as is. The only way I see for the arms to sit any higher would be for them to make the arms thinner than they already are and if they did that, it would frak up Battroid. Also, if you look at the backpack section while in fighter mode, if the arms were to sit any higher, then the backpack would end up sitting to high and end up looking something like the Chara-works VF-1's. And while they're cool little models, we all know that the backpack section isn't supposed to sit up that high. -Kyp
  6. I think it's going to be a few weeks before we see anything worth posting anyways. Though I would really like to be wrong about that... -Kyp
  7. That's part of the reason why I'm glad I got two 1S', one w/ FP and one stand alone. At least that way with one permanently wearing the fast packs, the tail fins aren't an issue. Still, I think it's something that Yamato should have thought out better before hand. -Kyp
  8. And for me, this is also the reason why I'm getting the DX. Because building a complex transforming model when I don't have the skills to do so isn't an option. So I'm pretty much left with the DX at this point. The 1/100 Fighter mode looks like poo at this point so unless I see some serious improvements, the DX is the only real choice I have. -Kyp
  9. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...mp;#entry651611 -Kyp
  10. Can you take a pic? -Kyp
  11. Quoted for absolute TRUTH. Because not everyone is willing to live with the same compromises that he is. For ME, as long as the fighter mode is reasonably anime accurate, I can live with how ever that ends up making Battroid and Gerwalk appear. But not everyone is gonna feel the same way. -Kyp
  12. I'm gonna stick with my Ozma preorder for now, unless the fighter mode ends up looking like sh!t. I'm hoping to see some better pics of it in the next month or so. -Kyp
  13. Use acrylic flat black paint and dab it on with a sponge or a piece of toilet paper twisted to a fine point. Don't use enamel based paint, because in my opinion, the acrylic will hold up better to handling and such. I don't think Yamato quite thought out that part about the paint getting scratched when transforming... -Kyp
  14. Since they're making those cars, Ozma's should be a no-brainer. -Kyp
  15. I don't see how they could end it in 25 either without it being craptacular. -Kyp
  16. I have a funny feeling that we're not going to see Alto end up with either Sheryl or Ranka. At this point, it would surprise me if it didn't turn out that way. -Kyp
  17. It does look like the fuselage is drooping too low, otherwise it looks good. -Kyp
  18. I've got Ozma's pre-ordered and paid for already via Overdrive.com. I was gonna get Alto's but it just looks too white and doesn't look right to me. They're supposed to be out late November if I remember right. -Kyp
  19. I could care less if it's parts swapping or not as long as the individual modes look good, that's all that matters to me. -Kyp
  20. I don't see what's so confusing about the story so far either. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=...&pid=645598 ^That's the link to the grapevine spoilers. -Kyp
  21. I have to agree, that would be the best thing, lock this thread and start over and post all the pics pertaining to the 1/60 in the first post and force those who wish to post pics to clear it with Moderators first. -Kyp
  22. As hilarious as that sounds, let's just pray that it doesn't come to that. Because I will be VERY, VERY pissed off if they make the 1D some kind of fraking exclusive. -Kyp
  23. Veoh TV FTW! Look it up. -Kyp
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