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Kyp Durron

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Everything posted by Kyp Durron

  1. But how do you get the baby oil off without messing the panel lining up? -Kyp
  2. ...So I am I. I've never had a problem getting off excess Gundam marker before. -Kyp
  3. My God, is the super pack instructions that hard to understand? That's messed up. -Kyp
  4. Soon, I shall have mine too...Muhahaha!! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=260370691892 Just have to paint the canopy frame and maybe the inside of the cockpit. I might panel line it, we'll see when it gets here. I can see I'm gonna have to get Ozma's and build it up too... -Kyp
  5. Don't tell me that they're not going to make a 1/60 V2 Stealth...because that's one of the repaints I've been looking forward to... -Kyp
  6. Can anyone tell me what the length of the fighter mode is? -Kyp
  7. Since mine will be in fighter mode only, a bit of crazy glue will take care of the sagging legs. -Kyp
  8. I hope to be getting the Alto soon, I plan on leaving it in fighter mode. It's either this, or get the 1/72 model which I have no time or energy to put together, paint, and panel line. And I hate that the legs sit so low in fighter mode with the 1/60's so the 1/100's is my only option. -Kyp
  9. Agreed. -Kyp
  10. And I've also seen pics were the legs can sit higher in fighter mode too. Much better than the DX version in fact. -Kyp
  11. At least going by the pics, the legs can sit much higher in fighter mode, and that's good enough for me. -Kyp
  12. For $600+, this thing better have all kinds of gimmicks as well as lights. Otherwise, I'd sooner just get the WAVE version. -Kyp
  13. Not the T.V. version and the price is gonna be insane...pass. -Kyp
  14. I wonder if we're gonna see a 1A CF now that they've decided to come out with a CF 1J variant? I think with this release that having an extra 1A head would be justified as other than the heads, there's literally NO difference between the two. -Kyp
  15. ^Speak for yourself, not everyone wants to have to buy a 1J just to have the freakin' pilot. -Kyp
  16. Doesn't matter too much, the only thing she has to show are mosquito bites anyways. -Kyp
  17. The U.N.SPACY are tampo, the no steps are stickers. -Kyp
  18. If you look carefully at the Max1A in fighter mode in the pic showing the in flight side view, you can see that the blue circle near the left foot thruster is hand painted as it\'s kinda sloppy. So basically, these are either hand painted Roy 1S\'s or Hikaru 1A\'s to Max\'s colors. Which means that these probably weren\'t in production at the time that these pictures were taken and still may not yet be in production. -Kyp
  19. Looks like we're finally gonna get a Vermilion squadron without having to resort to customizing, lol. If TV Max 1A and DRYL 1A is coming, you already know that Kakizaki's TV 1A and DRYL isn't too far behind, unless they decide on making the M&M 1J's first. If you weren't already sick of VF-1's, you WILL BE by the end of the year! -Kyp
  20. You do know that you have to turn the missiles towards the fuselage to unlock them from the holder before pulling them off, right? -Kyp
  21. This is silly. It seems to me that this could easily be fixed by Yamato simply using smaller diameter push pins for the shoulder hinge. Don't get me wrong, I love my 1st edition Roy 1S Super/Strike, but these breakages could so easily be prevented at the factory. Graham, if you talk to Yamato again, try suggesting smaller diameter push pins to them. -Kyp
  22. How solid is it in fighter mode? Is it a floppy mess? And are all the skulls straight? There have been reports of the heat shield skull being crooked. -Kyp
  23. Yeah I know, but that's a VF-25 only feature, it has nothing to do with the VF-1 but we can dream... -Kyp
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