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Kyp Durron

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Everything posted by Kyp Durron

  1. As I said before, for what it's worth, according to an interview with the team behind 2205, they said that they want to get back to their 2199 roots. They know that 2202 wasn't as good as 2199, so hopefully they can make good on it.
  2. I can actually picture that scene, voices and all.
  3. When is the preorder for the Zeta?
  4. Come to think of it, I only ever watched the Robotech version of this, I think I'll see about watching the original series.
  5. Yeah, they made him very naive, and I too found that really irritating. The guy sabotaging the Yamato was also a WTF moment too, because his logic was so flawed, it was ridiculous.
  6. I've seen several pictures like this that shows them angled downward, so I'm OK with their design choice.
  7. I haven't seen the original comet empire arc since I was a kid, so maybe that's why whatever changes they made didn't bother me since my memories of the designs from then are kinda hazy. *shrugs*
  8. How did they ruin the design of the Comet Empire exactly?
  9. Well I'll be damned.
  10. They did a DRYL Hayao? I wasn't aware of that. So much for that theory then, lol. TV Max's VF-1A though is pretty iconic, at least to me.
  11. IF they make a two seater, then I'm going to want a VF-1D and possibly the Ostrich as I haven't owned a two seater since Yamato's original 1/60 version. I never did get their 1/60 V2...but if they don't, I can stop after Hikaru's TV VF-1S.
  12. From what I understand, they're wanting to go back to their 2199 roots with this next sequel, so that should make people happy.
  13. No, sorry, I goofed, I thought you were referring to the Andromeda which was GX-58, lol. I did get rid of my GX-57 Yamato as well, but only because the 2199 version was so much better.
  14. Seems like they're only interested in the most iconic versions of the VF-1, but that's just my speculation. If that's the case, then we should be seeing a TV VF1-S Hikaru, Hikaru's VF-1A from DYRL, Max and Millia's VF-1J's (With supers at some point), and CF VF-1A. They will also most likely do Hayao Kakizaki's at some point, probably soon. As to the 2 seat variants, that's going to greatly depend on whether or not this was engineered from the get go for two seaters, but I'd frankly be shocked if they didn't plan too, it would be like printing money for them, but I've seen stranger things. One thing's for sure, I highly doubt they're going to issue anywhere near as many variants as Yamato/Arcadia did.
  15. I had it, but sold it later, to be honest, the proportions were kinda off and it really bugged me. You're right though, there really needs to be a SOC Andromeda from the reboot series, I just can't understand why they didn't do it...
  16. Indeed it is! I wonder if there will be any further design refits for Yamato, and if so, what outside changes (If any) there will be.
  17. As am I, unless they make a TV Hiakru 1S, then I'm out.
  18. I just now emailed them and I'm getting the discount too.
  19. I actually hope they do release Zero stuff, so I don't have to pay pound me in the ass prices for the Arcadia releases.
  20. If they reissue Eta, I'll grab that the second I hear about the preorder, lol. I'm really, really hoping for a shadow fighter version, that's the one I want the most.
  21. I guess I'll just wait for a reissue and see what they're going to release after Zeta.
  22. Aye, that they did, but I do think they did improve on the Yamato 1/60 V2, I really like the fuselage, like I said, it's more like Yamato's 1/48 which I think is more accurate. I'm not looking to have a bunch of these, just Hikaru's and Roy's.
  23. Congrats. I can never catch anything like that *sigh*
  24. When looking at Anymoon's review on Youtube, it's really obvious that Bandai based a lot of this on Yamato's 1/60 V2. Especially with keeping the arms from being seen from the sides in fighter mode. The nose section and cockpit area seems to be shaped more like Yamato's 1/48 line, which to me is having the best of those two versions combined.
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