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Kyp Durron

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Everything posted by Kyp Durron

  1. On thing I've noticed is that this Valk doesn't seem to have much in the way of maneuvering thrusters like the VF-1 and others. Which is kind of odd considering this is supposedly better suited for use in space. -Kyp
  2. I'm not asking him or anyone else to tell me what I want, I simply don't want anything added to the valk that isn't supposed to be there. -Kyp
  3. I'd only want hard points on this Valk if they're SUPPOSED to be there, otherwise, I don't want them there. -Kyp
  4. I wish that's all it was here in the U.S.. :-\ -Kyp
  5. I think as long as they stick to the line art for Fighter mode, I can pretty much forgive any compromises that are necessary for the other two modes. -Kyp
  6. I believe it's supposed to be "101". -Kyp
  7. It's not a Metal Gear game, IMO. It's a hack and slash game with a Metal Gear title slapped on it. No thanks, someone wake me up when they come out with a real Metal Gear game...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... -Kyp
  8. Damn right, and a 1/60 version of the Low Vis, please. Fifthed! A REAL SDF-1 TV version, not some bastardized DYRL?/TV version, that won't cut it. -Kyp
  9. As was I, I was going to post pretty much the same thing, until I saw his post. -Kyp
  10. I'd honestly be surprised if it wasn't the FB 2012 version. It's the final Valk we see Hikaru fly in before he and everyone just "disappeared". -Kyp
  11. Crap, my income tax refund check will be as good as spent if I end up getting this, the rarity of this valk alone would damn near demand I get it, even if it's no where near my favorite. -Kyp
  12. If this turns out to be a kit, then this will be the easiest pass since Bandai's V1 VF-25's. -Kyp
  13. Valkyries are primarily FIGHTER air/spacecraft that can transform into ROBOTS, not ROBOTS that can transform into something that mostly resembles a fighter air/spacecraft, lol. The whole point in my opinion was to have realistic fighter modes that looked like they could really fly, and could also transform. If you want to play with chunky robots that can become fighters, you should buy yourself a GUNDAM, I think a few of them actually had something of a fighter mode, if memory serves. Now, granted, it seems that Yamato actually managed to pull that off with the VF-19 series so far, which I think is amazing. But fighters like the YF-21/VF-22, VF-25, and so on are all very well known for their sleekness, and that doesn't really give Yamato much room to play with for Battroid mode. -Kyp
  14. Kyp Durron

    Merry X-mas

    That is awesome, how long did it take you to make that? Merry Christmas to all! -Kyp
  15. You'd be surprised at how many of us could care less about a VF-4, to me, fighter mode is the best looking of the three modes and even then for me, it's just "meh". Though it wouldn't piss me off, I'd still MUCH rather they did a V2 YF-19 instead. -Kyp
  16. Late January. -Kyp
  17. I like the 1/48 design just the way it is, all I'd want is for them to make the shoulders sit up higher in fighter mode. -Kyp
  18. ^This. Mine is no different, and from all the pictures I've seen, everyone's is also that way, without exception. -Kyp
  19. The only 1/60 valks that will be like that are the new V2 VF-25's. -Kyp
  20. Goddamn it, that fighter mode looks a lot better than I thought it would, now that I've seen many pictures of it from multiple angles. I was going to wait for the new YF-19, but I don't think I'll be able to pass up the VF-19F when it comes out. +1 -Kyp
  21. Why, is there a certain way those decals should be placed? -Kyp
  22. Sounds like poor casting to me, which has nothing to do with whether or not it's been played with enough. -Kyp
  23. Are you kidding me? I consider anything Yamato has made since 2001 to be better than the V1 DX VF-25 series, bad shoulders and all, with the only possible exception being the VF-0 line. Even so, I'd still rather have them because at least they're line art accurate and still look great sitting on display in any mode. I'm pretty confident they designed this new line with the Super and Armor parts in mind this time around. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you're wanting this line to fail miserably just so you'll feel better about your purchase of the entire V1 line, exclusive parts, flaws and all. LOL @ you, sir. -Kyp
  24. You should invest in lottery tickets then, because apparently, you're the only member here that I know of whose V1's didn't fall apart on their own and/or suffer from lose, floppy joints. -Kyp
  25. E Either way, I think it's pretty clear that many of us are wanting a stealth scheme as well as real world paint schemes. If nothing else, the could give it a try with the VF-1 design, maybe limit the initial release a bit, and see how it sells. Then go from there. Graham, could you suggest this to Yamato? -Kyp
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