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Kyp Durron

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Everything posted by Kyp Durron

  1. I went ahead and preorderd, on the confirmation page, they said not to send any money until they calculated shipping and sent an invoice. I don't see them being able to do that until they get the product in hand. Now that I've got two preorders, if Toy-Wave comes though, I'm going to tell BBTS "Cool story bro, but since you burned me on the VF-25S, I thought I'd return the favor, lololol." -Kyp
  2. I'm still hoping that they change the VF-1 feet thrusters, they look like crap on this bird. -Kyp
  3. Do you have to pre pay on preorders with Toy-Wave? -Kyp
  4. Someone wake me up when they do a accurate fighter mode Fixed. -Kyp
  5. So do I, but after getting screwed over by them on the VF-25S, I wouldn't be too confident either, if I were you. -Kyp
  6. I did too, but I'm not holding my breath. -Kyp
  7. I'm afraid that's about as likely as world peace. -Kyp
  8. Screw the rest, I want an Ozma reissue. -Kyp
  9. Like I said, they aleady knew how many they could get intially before putting up the preorder, and they've already ran through their allocation. You can't sit there and tell me that Bandai had no idea what kind of demand there would be before committing to making the 171 EX production run, they didn't just blindly do this wilst praying that there would be enough people to buy this thing. Judging by how fast the preorders sold out everywhere, it's safe to assume that even if any of the retailers open their preorders back up, they're just going to close again just as fast, if not faster. In otherwords, unless Bandai decides to make another run of these later, we're pretty much SOL for the time being. I for one, don't plan on playing the F5 game at my computer praying I'll make the ridiculous 30-120 second window of opprotunity just to get one of these Goddamned things, I'd rather give my money to Yamato, thank you very much. At this point, all I want is my second Ozma for the Super Parts that I've already bought, and that will do it for me. -Kyp
  10. I'm pretty confident AmiAmi and HLJ have a damn good idea as to what their allocations are. -Kyp
  11. Considering the events currently going on in the VF-171 EX thread, I'd say it's looking like you and I are royally screwed at this point. -Kyp
  12. Yeah, I'm going to echo some of the previous posters here by saying: "F U, Bandai. No, seriously, F U." At this point, I'm strongly considering trying to trade my Alto for an Ozma in the for sale section, to have a second Ozma, and then walk away from the line permanently. Oh, and I'd just like to say this again to Bandai-kun: -Kyp
  13. WOW...really? On topic, I still hate the props from the reboot, I think it's sad that in the 21st century they couldn't come up with anything that could at least equal the original props from 43 years earlier (At the time of the 2009 movie) -Kyp
  14. So...it's not going to be Hikaru's then. Massive fail. -Kyp
  15. I'm going to keep my preorder with BBTS, then when it comes out again, and they ask for payment, I'll say "Cool story bro, but Ima gonna go with AmiAmi, see ya!" Just to be a dick, since they pissed me off. -Kyp
  16. They reissued the YF-29, they'll reissue this one too. -Kyp
  17. Frak it, wake me up when the re-issue Ozma....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...... -Kyp
  18. I wish BBTS would hurry up and get their VF-25S shipment in, it wait is killing me. -Kyp
  19. I believe it's this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/DX-Chogokin-Macross-Frontier-VF-25S-Messiah-Valkyrie-Ozma-Renewal-ver-1-60-USA-/170785383305?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27c39a2389 -Kyp
  20. That would be my first guess. -Kyp
  21. I agree, they should all be black at the very least. -Kyp
  22. It's not supposed to have a DRYL head, it only appeared in the T.V. series. This. For frak's sake, Yamato, PLEASE make either a Stealth and/or Low Vis. Pretty please? Also, I like that paint scheme too. -Kyp
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