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Kyp Durron

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Everything posted by Kyp Durron

  1. I'm thinking about just getting the 1/72 fighter mode kit off of Ebay when they come up. I'd rather not deal with Toynami again. -Kyp
  2. I've been waiting on the usual members here to announce a group buy. I figure they will once a price has been released. -Kyp
  3. Screw it, I'm still in, depending on a group buy so I'll actually have a chance at this. -Kyp
  4. From what I gathered, it can indeed fire two different types of ammo...the old school energy beams, and apparently, a projectile ammunition type as well. -Kyp
  5. I preordered two of them last month. I'm hoping it will be molded in color like the 1/500 kit. -Kyp
  6. Very much so, do a Google image search and compare the two. The 1/350 is based on the playstation 2 game as I recall. -Kyp
  7. Being able to watch those with the 1/500 model on my computer desk: priceless. -Kyp
  8. Yeah, but I don't have the modeling skills needed to paint those parts, no thanks. -Kyp
  9. SDFM redone to the standards of Yamato 2199: -Kyp
  10. I am disappointed that they didn't do the FB 2012 skull leader scheme, but having said that, I really like this scheme. But they'd damn well better tampo print EVERYTHING. There's just no excuse not to. -Kyp
  11. Looking at the built kit images, I don't recall there being so many windows below the water line in the anime. :-\ -Kyp
  12. Official box art and kit images of the 1/1000 kit. http://www.gunjap.net/site/?p=77859 -Kyp
  13. What you've said is true, the VF-4 might very well last longer than Bandai's now infamous Mac F releases. But if you think for one second this thing isn't going to sell out stupid fast, then I'm afraid you and eyesonme (And anyone else who thinks likewise) are in for a very rude awakening. Hey, personally I hope you're both right, I would LOVE to be wrong about this, but I don't think I am. -Kyp
  14. +1,000,000 I don't get it, I really don't. While I can understand limiting the production to a degree to keep from having excess product becoming shelf warmers, I cannot for the life of me understand Bandai's reasoning for limiting their production runs to this extent. -Kyp
  15. Damn straight. I'm going to just save up my money and be prepared to buy an Ozma at Ebay rape prices after I fail to get one when the reissue comes out. -Kyp
  16. Don't worry, I'm sure it will happen that way with the VF-25S reissue too. -Kyp
  17. Maybe someone should make some add on tail fins out of plastic. -Kyp
  18. Other than putting my last name first, then my first name, I have no idea how to fill out their pre-order form, even with Google Translate. -Kyp
  19. How? I thought you couldn't if you were outside Japan. -Kyp
  20. Yuck. Easiest. Pass. Ever. -Kyp
  21. Looks like a group buy will be the way to go on this one. -Kyp
  22. But which one actually has the better maneuverability, speed, and combat effectiveness? From what I read, the VF-171 was a more dumbed down version so that even average pilots could fly them. So it seems to me that the VF-17 is still the superior variable fighter as of 2059. -Kyp
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