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Kyp Durron

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Everything posted by Kyp Durron

  1. I seriously doubt that they will have that kind of feature in a production run like that, for one thing, they probably wouldn't have the room with all the other electronics and such that are already inside it. Also, the 27,000 yen price is the MSRP, not necessarily what places like AmiAmi and others will have their pre orders for. -Kyp
  2. But if you look at this picture, and compare it to the GX-57, you'll see that the turrets are far better detailed, even with the smaller scale : -Kyp
  3. The 2199 version all the freaking way. You can't beat 100% anime accuracy, and I think the 2199 version is the best, most balanced design I've ever seen for the Yamato. -Kyp
  4. It's 100% 2199 anime accurate, that's all I need to know, it will be MINE!!!!!!!!! BUT PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, NO MORE CRAPPY, INCONSISTENT WEATHERING!! -Kyp
  5. Thanks to NY, I've got mine in, that's all I care about. -Kyp
  6. Not to me, I just pretend that first Matrix movie was the only one made and how it all ends is left up to our imagination. -Kyp
  7. Never mind, I know the forums you were talking about, and I'm also a member there, I chimed in. -Kyp
  8. I read the spoilers for the movie, I won't be wasting my time seeing this, glad I read them beforehand. That is all. *Walks out of topic* -Kyp
  9. I want that low vis Ozma scheme, screw everything else. -Kyp
  10. If by "fanboy" you mean someone whose been watching since the reruns around the mid 70's, and obviously has a better sense of design taste, then I'll gladly wear that badge, any day of the week, and twice on Sunday. -Kyp
  11. Personally, I would have preferred those Enterprises to the pizza cutter looking/abortion gone wrong JJprise. I seriously hope that they have to either scrap it, or seriously "refit" it enough to make it into something I can actually stomach. -Kyp
  12. Personally, I'm thankful for NY, since it won't be till June, I can afford to pay the higher mark up. Now, all I'm waiting on is Ozma so I can walk away from this...that is, until they announce the CF VF-25F, LOL. -Kyp
  13. Got an Alto, now to wait on Ozma's reissue... -Kyp
  14. I only have 3 Yamato's, the 1/60 V2 DRYL Roy w/Super Parts, the VF-0S first edition, and thankfully, the Low Vis 1S version. I'm happy with those, my space was limited anyways. R.I.P. Yamato 1/60's, you will be forever missed. -Kyp
  15. Where did you get those marking decals?! Mine didn't come with those. -Kyp
  16. JT Graphics will be releasing a 1/32 Viper Mark III resin kit sometime this year. -Kyp
  17. The Blood and Chrome Mark III Viper is about the size of a Raptor, no joke, it's a beast. -Kyp
  18. Fixed. -Kyp
  19. They move much quicker when they're attacking you, trust me. -Kyp
  20. It was fugly, it needed to die so that a much nicer looking ship could take it's place. -Kyp
  21. I think part of the problem is that this game has been in development so long, that people's expectations were really high. As a shooter game, it's decent to me. But I think that it not having Direct X 10 enabled or having Direct X 11 support was stupid. -Kyp
  22. Played it yesterday, it seems like a fine shooter/game to me, maybe I'm just easy to please, lol. Also, I got a pc mod for it that allows DX10 to be active, instead of being forced to use DX9. The list of improvements : - DirectX 10 is enabled -Better light thanks to DX10 Realistic light-shadow effects lamps. - Weapons reflect better. - Realistic muzzle flash. Fewer problems with Nvidia 3d 3d mode - RAM usage is better for graphics (textures) light animations texture memory load times of textures and shadows. - Game will load faster. - Better Bloom - MSAA ON - Play better with the controller better AIM is active. -Kyp
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