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Kyp Durron

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Everything posted by Kyp Durron

  1. Got to admit, didn't see that coming, but makes me glad I preordered Roy's. -Kyp
  2. *Looks at pics* -Kyp
  3. Really liking what I'm able to make out so far. -Kyp
  4. It absolutely is. My advice for anyone on the fence who DOESN'T already have a Yamato V2 VF-1, to save their money, and wait for Arcadia to come out with Roy's or any of the other variants that I think they're likely to reissue. It will be money much better spent, and you'll be glad you did. Trust me. -Kyp
  5. *Waits for V2 VF-0S* -Kyp
  6. All I can say is that regardless of features, if they price this thing too high, they're only fraking themselves. -Kyp
  7. Definitely right about the the tailfins being able to fold to a degree, interesting... -Kyp
  8. Maybe he can take his work to shapeways and offer up replacement parts for these VF-1 kits... -Kyp
  9. Just ordered mine. -Kyp
  10. Even if you don't transform it? -Kyp
  11. ^This. Also, reissue ALL previous Valks and accessories, for the VF-0's, the sculpt was fine, just fix the Goddamned flaws in the design itself. Tight fighter mode, non floppy Battroid and Gerwalk, and no more exploding shoulders, kthnx. For the VF-22's, do away with the delimiter mode that no one ever really used. While you're reissuing VF-1's, please issue a REAL low vis and Stealth version, with swappable extra 1A and 1J heads. For the model kit versions, please issue them with all grey bodies. But at any and all costs, TAMPO PRINT EVERY MOTHERFRAKING THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Shift+1=! If Bandai can do it, we know damned good and well Arcadia can too. In fact, if Moebius can issue pre built and painted Mark II Vipers with every detail printed for only $50 shipped or less, there's absolutely NO EXCUSE for Arcadia not to. PERIOD. -Kyp
  12. Just got my Mark II in, WOW. EVERY MARKING IS EITHER PAINTED OR TAMPO PRINTED TO PERFECTION. I've never seen this fine of QC from a Chinese made toy, let alone a mass built and painted model. The paint seems VERY durable, like the kind they use on the Yamato Valks. I will take pictures and post them shortly. The call sign names are completely random, which is a switch from how they were originally going to allow the end user to put whatever call sign they wanted. Unfortunately, this serial number is going to be on all of them...regardless of call sign/character. :-\ The detail painting is flawless, as is the tampo marking placements Yes, even the intake fan detail is painted perfectly, which is a pain in the ass to do by hand. And lastly, the best part of them all, the cockpit and pilot : Yes, even the buttons on the control panel are detailed in. The pilot is also well done. The canopy frame is painted scary perfect on my sample. *NOTE* The canopy comes glued in from the factory, but I VERY carefully pried mine free, I would advise against this, I only did it because I had a piece of dust on the inside of my canopy and it drove me NUTS. It may not come weathered, but for $50 shipped, you can't go wrong, IMO. It should be noted that they were originally going to have each one weathered, but it apparently wasn't do able for whatever the reason. I think that's fine, because for those of you with talent, you can weather it up however you like. The Cylon raider is already out and the Mark VII and Galactica will be out very soon. I hear they're going to offer the TOS Viper pre built as well...and most likely, Pegasus too. -Kyp
  13. Couldn't have said it better myself. I'm cancelling the Roy pre order I had, and will putting up the unused strike/weapons kit for Hikaru up in the for sale section. I would have been better off spending my money on another VF-25 kit, they're WAY better thought out. That being said, I liked several things they did with the kit, and if they can take those positive things, and properly apply them to a 1/60 DX version, I think they could have something awesome. -Kyp
  14. I can't wait to put those extra weapons on my 1/60 Low Vis VF-1S. -Kyp
  15. Yep, already came to the conclusion that I would have to remove the tabs to have the legs sitting flush like they should, but then you'll see that the bottom leg stablizer fins will no longer be at the right outward angle. They litterally designed it to have the legs canted like that, I think that was to minimize the gap between the legs and the backpack. Which is still retarded, they only needed to make the backpack wider and they would'nt have had that issue in the first place. -Kyp
  16. You do know that the BSG Galactica pre built, along with the Viper Mark VII is coming out this summer, right? That means they'll most likely do Pegasus too, IMO. The classic Viper kit is also going to be released as a pre built too. The new BSG Cylon Raider pre built is also already out, BTW. -Kyp
  17. Better pics of the pre built Mark II, I didn't expect them to fill the seams for $50 bucks, but that's fine, I got on on the way, it's good enough for me. http://www.auctiva.com/hostedimages/showimage3.aspx?gid=345200&ppid=1122ℑ=683205499&images=200444041,683205499,683205473,683205276,683205248,683205302,683205326,683205348,683205373,683205397,683205417,683205446&formats=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0&format=0 -Kyp
  18. No, he didn't, when they're locked into place they bow inwards like that, even the instructions show this. -Kyp
  19. Put the other leg nacelle on, what is up with the upper side of the legs being turned inwards towards the back pack in fighter mode?! WTF...over?! They're supposed to be level, not turned upwards and in towards the back pack/tail fin section. -Kyp
  20. Got mine 75% built, just need to build the other leg/nacelle assembly and it will be done. Fighter mode is really nice, once you have everything positioned correctly, much more accurate to the line art, which I love. Mine will be semi permanently glued in fighter mode using Goop. May or may not add the Strike parts when I get Roy's in, haven't decided yet. *Edit* If Bandai EVER does a 1/60 toy version of this and addresses the faults with the kit as a whole, I. WILL. BUY. IT. -Kyp
  21. I get mine tomorrow, give me a couple of days. -Kyp
  22. Pics? How does it look in fighter mode with everything set like it should? -Kyp
  23. Ordered the Mr. Color Paint for the 2199 Yamato kit so I can better touch up the sprue marks : http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/hobbyone/item/4973028420463/
  24. At the time, I thought the GX-57's sculpt was the King, but, since Yamato 2199, it's now taken 2nd place : The only thing I'm worried about is if they go with that stupid hull seam weathering, it wouldn't be bad, but the QC on that was spotty at best. I'd rather they left it off and left it up to the end user. -Kyp
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