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Kyp Durron

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Everything posted by Kyp Durron

  1. Oooh, now there's an idea! I could use the better decals and such for my 1/72 Ozma! -Kyp
  2. "Veritech" is the term used in the Robotech series, the proper term in Super Dimensional Fortress Macross (Where Robotech was ripped off from) is "Valkyrie". -Kyp
  3. Yeah, that's what I was thinking of doing as well. I've never had anything like this happen before, so it could just be some kind of glitch on the bank's end. I'll keep you guys updated. -Kyp
  4. OK, something really screwed up happened...it seems that after my item shipped out, my bank declined the payment to HS, and returned the funds to my account. Yesterday, the payment was shown as pending, today, my account isn't showing the payment at all, and my funds are back up to where they were before my card was charged.... My Valk is shown as being dispatched from their office of outward exchange, meaning it's on it's way here to the states... WTF, over?! -Kyp
  5. I think it looks great, and I can't wait for mine to come in. If Super Parts comes out for it, I'm in for a set. -Kyp
  6. Not unless it's a prelude to a similarly improved VF-0S at some point. -Kyp
  7. My card was charged, and they're preparing to ship at HS. Can't wait! -Kyp
  8. So, from the comments by Mr. K, it seems that the intake thickness is necessary due to strength issues, and it's not going to be redesigned? Oh well... -Kyp
  9. It's a VF-25 cannon fodder, every VF collection needs one. -Kyp
  10. Well, my card will be charged when it's ready to ship, as for you others, you'll get an invoice from NY when they have it in stock. -Kyp
  11. I thought I read earlier in this thread that it was Oct.12th? -Kyp
  12. @ skullmilitia : 2nd explanation or Arcadia can bite me. -Kyp
  13. This isn't a toy, it's a freaking prebuilt transforming model. It makes the V1 YF-19 look like utter crap. -Kyp
  14. I agree 100%. -Kyp
  15. That would piss off a lot of people, including me. -Kyp
  16. I stand corrected, then. -Kyp
  17. Still up, got it. Yeah, Monday, Oct 7 my ass... -Kyp
  18. Looking at it again, it looks like that sliding door can cover better, justisn't closed all the way, so I guess it will be fine. Still getting it. -Kyp
  19. Really NOT liking that gap at the knees in fighter mode, that's one thing that the V1 did much better, IMO. -Kyp
  20. Time to subscribe to this thread. -Kyp
  21. Can't believe it's still up, lol. Good to know for those who want one without having to pay more than MSRP, though. -Kyp
  22. Got it, going to cancel the NY order, $124 vs $161 at NY makes this a no brainer. -Kyp
  23. Not going to be my NY order that gets cancelled. In fact, I plan to pay for mine this Friday. Can't wait for it to come in, I only wish I had a VF-1 Cannon Fodder to go with it. -Kyp
  24. As much as it will pain me to do so, I will pick the YF-19 over Ozma. -Kyp
  25. I think it's beautiful too, and as far as I'm concerned, it's the only valk that has a more realistic military paint scheme than the others with the only exception being Ozma's. If they come out with Super Packs for it, I will get those as well. I have a feeling that this valk won't be reissued with all the cancellations and especially if it doesn't sell as well as the others. Right now, it's kind of bad timing with the YF-19 2.0 coming out and people waiting for the Ozma reissue. I think those two factors may end up hurting the sales of the this valk, that, and the fact that it's not a "Hero" valk. -Kyp
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