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Kyp Durron

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Everything posted by Kyp Durron

  1. Nor should it, in my honest opinion. What good is that when you're not even able to order the Goddamned things?!
  2. This is the problem with the information age we live in, sometimes there's too much freaking info being leaked about things we don't want to know about yet, namely Episode 7. I've been trying to keep away from spoilers as much as possible, but sometimes that's hard to do when these dumb asses put spoilers right in the freaking titles of the articles themselves that get displayed on home pages.
  3. You can't can't condense a 26 episode series like Yamato 2199 into a 2.5 hour film without cutting out most, if not all the things that made it great in the first place and expect it to live up to the Yamato 2199 name. I was afraid this would be the case.
  4. Been playing it myself, I remember playing the original Wasteland back in the day when it came out.
  5. As far as I'm aware it's cannon. And if it's not, screw it, it's cannon in my mind, damn it!
  6. Not really, from what little I know it was from the Sheryl Nome final visual collection, depicting her waking up from her coma and finding that Alto had returned. So, there's your ending, and that's how I personally see it as well, so I don't feel quite as bad about the movie's ending.
  7. Quite true, but I will always prefer the T.V. series and consider it cannon, in my mind. The frontier movies were a good bit different from the series, and I still prefer the series ending compared the the movies ending. However if this helps : And yes, that image is official, so there you go.
  8. As far as I'm concerned the series is cannon, the movies are an alternate reality take, that's also my stance on the original SDFM series and the DYRL movies as well.
  9. I want Bandai to do a SoC version of the live action ship, it would be a instant buy for me.
  10. Welcome back, click the links in my sig to see incredible SDF-1 builds that will blow your mind.
  11. In terms of versatility, I'd have to go with the VF-25, the modern version the original VF-1.
  12. Funded! This project was successfully funded about 11 hours ago. 8,548 backers $638,471 pledged of $100,000 goal ^ I'd call that a smashing success.
  13. Looks that way to me too, and if that's the case, I'm going to be seriously disappointed.
  14. at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGX2WE4QUw8&t=0m12s says it all.
  15. And will most likely be only about 5,000 short of filling all orders, give or take a dozen or so.
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