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Kyp Durron

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Everything posted by Kyp Durron

  1. VF-4 FB, VF-0, and what looks to be 1/100 VF-25's, those are instabuys for me! DX YF-19, instabuy as well.
  2. Honestly, I was wondering the same thing. Actually, what he said was he wanted to see half of the characters in each poster killed off by the end of the series.
  3. I'll take the Black one, please.
  4. I like the Black VF-31. Also, I think this series will turn out fine. If not, we still got some great new valks out of it, lol.
  5. If I'm right about that missile container (I assume that's what you're referring to) being on the VF-31 as well, you're in for a serious disappointment.
  6. Not surprised in the least, although the forward swept wings are a bit unexpected. I'm actually a little bit disappointed that it didn't end up looking more like the YF-30. I bet you this won't remain the main valk in the show, and there will be a new cutting edge valk introduced before the series end.
  7. Biggest no-brainer ever, preordered at HLJ. I'm not missing out on this twice if I can help it.
  8. I want to like the YF-30, I really do, but the lack of vernier thrusters really irks the Hell out of me.
  9. Now if I can just get past the VF-0D Blue ventral fins on the VF-0A, I'd buy it. But every time I see it, it looks so damned out of place, ugh.
  10. Good enough for me, pre-ordered.
  11. No, just refuse to paint parts of the valk in the right colors, apparently.
  12. What color are the ventral fins supposed to be? Does anyone have clear screen shots showing this?
  13. Tampo and Arcadia in the same sentence....
  14. Bankruptcy?
  15. Definitely gonna pre-order this.
  16. Loving what I'm reading about the details so far. That's definitely a YF-30 inspired design, I'm guessing a VF-31 variant. I knew we'd end up seeing the YF-30 or a variant of the design.
  17. Continue buying their stuff, and they have no reason to stop the shenanigans. Start voting with your wallet, and I'll bet you they'll quickly stop screwing around with the color scheme.
  18. I stand by what I said, for what they're charging, I expect them to get it right.
  19. OH. HELL. NO. That's the last straw, cancelling my preorder. **** you, Arcadia, **** you for real. If they're going to pull this B.S., they can give up their license right now and give it to someone that actually cares enough to do them right, color and all.
  20. Why extremes? It could be a "meh" reaction for all we know.
  21. For me, it was like most, watched Robotech when it came out in 1985, I remember thinking how the the other 2/3 of the series never seemed to go well with each other and seemed "forced" together. It wasn't until around 2003 that I remembered it and decided to look it up and discovered the truth behind it. Wanting to see the original version, I watched it, DYRL and Macross Plus and was hooked. Looked up Macross 7, and I just couldn't get into it at all. Then I watched Macross Zero, and liked it. The rest is history.
  22. @ spanner76 : Yeah, not really seeing the gloss there. It's funny, really, how Bandai can get it so right with the v2 VF-25's, the VF-27's, YF-29's, and the 171's sculpt wise, but totally s#it the bed when it comes to the finish. Notice how the YF-30 and VF-19 Advance have matte finishes.
  23. Does anyone know the reason for Bandai making the VF-25's and VF-27's glossy to begin with?
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